two. Wet Dreams

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Warning!! Mature themes in this chapter

His hands ran up and down your body, until he one settled on the side of your face, and tilted your chin up. You looked into his eyes and you saw the hunger, a hunger that reflected your own. The next thing you knew his mouth was on yours, and clothes were coming off. He pulled off your shirt and ripped off your bra, as you undid his buttons. You felt him take a handful of your breast and graze your nipple before he pulled down his own pants and pushed up your skirt. He placed you on the desk and yanked down your underwear. This was it, you were finally going to have sex with Spencer Reid. He started to--


You shot up in your bed, feeling a wetness between your legs. No, that did not just happen. You did not just dream about having sex with Spencer Reid. I mean I do think he's cute, but that would never happen. I don't even know if Reid would ever even look at me like that. I need to get ready for work.

Work has been going well, you'd been there for weeks and you were not going to let this dream distract you. You quickly got ready, rushing around your apartment. You had spent too much time thinking about Dr. Reid and you were running a bit behind. You picked out a simple outfit, a black pencil skirt, and a white button-up. You throw up your hair in a simple bun and head out without a second thought. You had been at the BAU a few weeks now, it was all going well but you still didn't want to be late.


At work you headed over to get a cup of coffee, hoping to avoid Spencer for as long as you could, knowing that the second you looked at him you would have to try to separate him from that dream. And you did not think that would be easy. As you sat down Spencer looked up at you. "Hey good morning," He said, smiling at you. You look up at him fast, making eye contact, and then quickly remembering the look he gave you in your dream. You shook your head, hoping the thought would get out. Spencer gave you a look. "Everything alright y/n?"

" Uh- uh yeah, everything is good, good morning to you too!" Smooth idiot. You tried to just start on some paperwork hoping to distract yourself. Then Penny walked in.

"Hello my lovelies! It has been a rough week for us all and though I'm sure the cute kitten pictures I've sent have been a blessing to you all, I think we need a drink and some company" There were a couple of grumbles of other plans and things. Suddenly a voice spoke up "No team, I think Garcia is right, we could use the team bonding." Hotch was the one to have spoken up, he was standing off to the side of the room. "Ooo! Oo! Sir, can I please pick where we go?" Garcia did a bit of a jump as she asked. Hotch sighed, and then shrugged, " I can't think of a reason why not" He cracked a bit of a smile as she ran off, likely decided which club or bar they would be dragged off to.

A good distraction from your previous thoughts, you got a good start on some paperwork. After some time, Hotch came out of his office. He looked you all and you noticed a slight sigh.

"Team, I'm sorry to interrupt your weekend plans, but we've got a case." You all collectively groaned and made your way up to the conference room.

Garcia started presenting. " 4 teen girls have been found in parks, beaten and murdered. There's been one every weekend, and this week they thought they caught the bastard, only he proved to be the wrong sicko."

"So, the unsub is still out there?" Morgan asked

"Yes and he kills and discards of the bodies over Saturday and Sunday. Kidnaps and beats Saturday and then kills and dumps on Sunday"

You felt a bit of an inner shudder. It was Friday morning. So little time to find him.

"Wheels up in twenty."


On the jet ride over you reviewed the case until there was nothing more to go over. You were all just sitting around and still had several hours left of your flight. Hotch suggested you all try to get some sleep as there would be no time for it tonight with such a little window to catch the killer. You tried to let yourself drift.

You got up out of your seat and walked to the jet bathroom. You closed the door and looked yourself In the mirror, and then you saw the door start to open in the reflection. "Uhm- Occupied," you said, but the door just kept opening. And there was Spencer. " Uhm, hey Spence, I'm kind of in here" He looked you up and down and then grabbed your wasted, hoisting you up on to the sink. " I know" He starts kissing your neck and reaches in between your skirt. You gasp "Spence we're on the plane, everyone is out there." He looks up at you "Are you saying you want me to stop because one word, one head shake and I will." He had stopped moving his hand, waiting for your approval. "Don't stop" Reid's hand immediately continues up your skirt, making his way to your clit, as he starts kissing your neck. You can't help but moan his name. He starts saying yours

"Y/n, y/n"

"Y/n, wake up"

You sit up, realizing you're still in your seat, and Spencer is shaking your shoulders.

" Hey, y/n your awake. You were moving around a lot in your sleep, and then you started saying my name, kind of sounded like a cry for help, I thought maybe you were having a nightmare. "

You cleared your throat, and adjusted your sitting position, looking around to see if anyone else had heard, but they all seemed asleep.

" Uh yeah, a nightmare, unsub had me" You couldn't come up with anything better on the spot. "How long until we land?"

Spencer looked out the window and then at his watch, "About an hour." He went back to his reading. And you got lost in your thoughts.

Why do I keep having these dreams about Reid? Do I act on it? I bet he's an expert in bed. Stop. Don't think about that. Maybe just see if you can strike up a conversation first.

"Hey Reid, whatcha reading?"

" Oh it's a book called Pretty Boy, Morgan gave it to me this morning as a joke, but it is not that bad, I've read through three times already. There's a very interesting sex scene."

You almost choked on your spit and shifted in your seat. "Sex scene?"

" Yeah, just the way the author uses her words, feels almost like your really there, though I've personally never had the luxury of bending a rubber-clad woman over a desk, I definitely see the appeal when I read this. " He continued to go on about other parts of the book but you couldn't get the idea of him bending you over his desk out of your head.

"Y/n are you sure your alright? Sorry if I was rambling, I know it gets on everyone's nerves."

You sat up in your seat a bit. "Not me Reid, I could listen to you talk for days, your mind is incredible." And I bet other things are too.

Spencer smiled at you, and with an extra bit of pep in his voice, continued.


The case was stressful. You had not been able to get to the unsub before he took the girl, you hadn't even made it before the beating. But the team managed to figure out who the killer was right before he murdered her. She was alive but probably severely traumatized. At least he couldn't do it to anyone else. On the jet ride back, Hotch gave you all the next couple of days off, and Garcia insisted you all really needed to go out tomorrow

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