fifteen. New Normal

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A few weeks had passed since Emily died. You and Spencer were doing alright. You had a few ups and downs but they were easily blamed on grief. For a while, he cried a lot. And then he would go compose himself and he'd be done crying, but he'd get a little snappy. He always apologized and made up for it in some way, and you always forgave him.

You were on your way to work, Spencer in your passenger. Hotch had called about a new case, you were leaving as soon as you got there. You looked down at your hand interlocked with Spencer's. He always held your hand when you guys were in the car. It put a warm feeling inside.

You arrived and headed to the jet. The flight was not super long and was spent discusses the case. There was a cult involved. They were basically playing a game where they brought in couples of younger women with older men partners and tortured the girl. They beat, raped, whatever you could think of. If she ever asked them to stop, she was killed and if she made it through, she had to bring in an outsider and sacrifice them in a ceremony.

" I tried to argue Strauss on sending anyone undercover, but she insisted. And there's only two of us who match their age range. Myself and Y/n." You sat up, a bit more alert.

"Y/n if you in any way are uncomfortable with this then we will have someone else be sent in. Typically the cult let's people see the torture before experiencing it, as some sort of test. If it gets too close we will have the team and swat on standby." You nod.

"I'm fine with going undercover, sir." You felt Spencer tense up next to you.

" This is too dangerous, can't we get the information some other kind of way?" You knew Reid did not want to contest Hotch, he'd done enough of that in the past, but he was worried.

"It'll be fine Reid." He sighs.

" You got hurt last time." He looks down and twiddles his thumbs a bit.

" And we'll make sure that doesn't happen again, Reid. I won't let anything happen to her." Hotch gives Spencer a sympathetic look and then goes and moves to a seat further away.

"Y/n, we're going to further discuss our roles over here."

You get up and go sit by Hotch.

" I want you to understand that at any point before we go in you can back out. We will need to act like a couple. Mostly just being close to each other, light flirting, just enough to sell it." You nod, understanding it was for the case.

" Y/n there's one other thing. The cult performs a search. They look for wires and cameras and such. I have no worries about them finding anything, they aren't prepared for Garcia. The search is non-invasive but does require us to strip each other. I promise I will not be looking at anything and once more, you can back out."

Okay, so my choices are let my boss possibly see me naked, back out, and let my own discomfort keep me from aiding in a case, and ultimately risk innocent lives. God I wish that other team hadn't gone in before us and failed, then at least I wouldn't know I had to do this.

" I'm fine with that sir. Could we just- maybe not let Reid know? I just don't want to make him uncomfortable." Hotch nods and dismisses you.

You head back over by Reid lean your head on him. You feel him take a deep breath and he kisses your head.

"Ewh PDA! PDA!" Derek starts recoiling away and pretending to vomit, JJ and Rossi laughing at him. Spencer rolls his eyes. He puts his hand on the back of your neck.

"Hey Morgan!" He pulls you in and kisses you, with tongue, just to get a reaction out of Morgan.

" My eyes!! Hotch they're practically humping over there" He throws a pillow over at you guys. Hotch gives you one of those rare laughs.

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