three. Team Bonding

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You woke up the next morning, no Reid dreams luckily. You took the day to just relax and clean up around your apartment. You were lounging on your couch, contemplating when to shower when your phone buzzed.

Spencer : Hey y/n

Y/n: Hey

Spencer: Wanna ride to the bar together tonight? I can pick you up?

You shrugged to yourself, you guys lived close, so made sense.

Y/n: Yeah, sounds good to me :) thanks

You didn't know exactly what time he would pick you up so you decided to shower.

After you got out of the shower you started looking through your closet, trying to find a good dress for the club. You pick out a light blue satin mini dress, with some cute simple heels. Simple but still sexy. Choosing to keep it easy, you just wear your hair down. By the time you finish getting ready you get a text from Reid saying he's here.

The car ride over was pretty quiet except for when y/n first got in the car. Reid looked you up and down pausing momentarily on the curviest parts of your body. He cleared his throat.

"You look good."

You smiled and complimented him back, and that was pretty much the car conversation. You did notice the occasional glance and shift in seat from Spencer.


You two arrived at the club to find the rest of the team sitting at the bar, even Rossi and Hotch.

" Oooo wee look at you girl. Pretty boy take a chance at that in the car?" Morgan laughed giving you a little spin.

"You look very nice y/n" That one came from Hotch, with the others nodding in approval. Everyone had a drink they were sipping on but you decided it was time to spice things up.

"A round of shots for everyone, doubles - tequila" You smirked and turned to the rest of the team.

" I don't know about that y/n, I don't drink much" Spencer made a little bit of a funny face.

You leaned close to him, making sure to get a bit more cleavage then you were already showing, "What ? Is the genius afraid he might let loose a little?" Y/n pushed

" That sounds like a challenge." Spencer pushed back

"I've noticed you don't like losing" You made heavy eye contact.

Reid met that eye contact and it felt like he was looking straight into your soul as he grabbed two shots and downed them.

" Oh now the party is starting !!" Morgan grabbed his shot threw it back, everyone else following suit.

A few drinks later and everyone is feeling it, Hotch about to leave before he sees something he shouldn't.

" Truth or dare, Please! Please, guys! " You guys couldn't say no to Penny.

" Fine fine, but I start asking." You look over at Penny " Truth or Dare?"

"Mmm truth, start off easy," She was wriggling with excitement

" Okay, besides Morgan, who do you think is the most attractive, men-wise?"

Penelope bit her lip. " If any of you ever spill, I'll use my computer genius to end you. But Hotch, he's got this angry dad thing going on and it takes him from dad to daddy" You all burst out laughing but no one disagreed.

Penelope asked Morgan next, he picked dare, and off to see how many phone numbers he could get in 20 minutes he went, but not before daring you to makeout with Emily.

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