eleven. What Now

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You gathered on the jet. The team got together to discuss ideas and then just caught up about what they had been doing. You were trying to ignore your feelings.

"I know what boy genius was up to"

" Or should I say man" Morgan laughed at his own joke. Rossi chimes in.

"Ohh has our local Doctor taken a lover?"
Spencer laughed awkwardly and shoved at Derek's leg.

" Derek doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut."

Emily glances between the two of you. Jj smirks.

" So was this just a date or was there a little bit of" Jj make a clicking noise with her mouth.

Hotch even cracks a smile at how red Reid is getting. You don't want him to feel sad in this moment so you decide to put everything aside and try to think about how happy you felt just a couple hours ago.

" Yeah Spence, she any good?"

You lightly elbow him. He lets out a laugh and stands up.

"That is for me to know and you to never find out." he laughs and rolls his eyes.
" C'mon Reid, I said I needed the details!" Morgan tries.
" I saw that underwear she's got to be sexy, I gotta know!" Morgan keeps pushing, hoping Reid would let something slip.

Reid quickly glances over at you for just a moment.
" You're right on that one" Reid chuckled.

They all slowly drop it and you head out to sit by Reid, but Jj grabs your arm and pull you down to sit by her and Emily.

"We need a you know who update? What happened?" You needed to confide to some degree. And you decide to start with the good part.

" We went to dinner and I told him about last night. And he asked what sex story I telling that made me slip up. And he didn't seem jealous. But once we got back to his place." You lowered your voice even more. They leaned in.

" Let's just say Spencer has a jealous side, and it's demanding and hot." You give them that look.
They open their mouths again.

" Come on y/n, I need details." Emily pushes.

" Okay, okay. First he had me up against the door and that was just. So hot. And then after he tells me to strip. And to bend over his couch. And then Morgan knocks on the door."

Their eyes widen. " What did you do?" Jj inquires.
" More like what did he do. He tells to stay bent over, butt ass naked, while he answers the door and has a whole conversation." Emily scoffs a little.

" Isn't his couch right by-?" You nod, confirming what Jj was saying. Emily shakes her head.

" It's always the quiet ones."

"How was after that." You sigh.
" After was good until it wasn't. Hell it was great. He tied my hands behind my back. And it was just." You bit your lip, Jj gave you a surprised look. "And then after we cuddled on the couch. We ended up having like cute, soft, passionate sex. And then he made us tea. And I kind of said something"

They tilted their heads.

" I told him so loved him."

Emily's faced softened.

"Did he not say it back?"

" No he did. But then he basically said he thinks I deserve better. And told me some stuff. And I'm not sure what to do with it."

Jj nodded.

" I'm going to go with stuff you can't share." You nodded in agreement.

"Stuff you should be talking about?" You nodded again.

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