four. Change

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You woke up the next morning asleep on your couch. Why were you asleep on your couch? You look down to see a beautiful man snuggled against your arm and last night start running through your head.

Oh my god

I fucked Spencer Reid.

You start remembering every detail and feel yourself starting to get a little horny, looking down at the man sleeping on you.

Oh my god

I wanna fuck Spencer Reid again.

And so you did. Spencer woke up and saw the look in your eyes, and just went from there. But now the real question is. What the hell happens now?

You have now fucked your co-worker twice, and had no idea what it meant. But that could wait, it was time for coffee.

Wrapped up in nothing more than a blanket you headed into the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot, making sure to get the sugar out for Spencer, who soon joined behind you kissing you on the cheek.

" So, that happened," You said to him, receiving the cheekiest grin.

"Yes it did, I've been waiting." You raised a brow at him. " Waiting?" He took a sip from his coffee. "I've been thinking about what it would be like to be with you since your first day, can't have a gorgeous girl like you sitting across from me, being all charming and expect my mind not to wonder." You grinned, more to yourself than him, weirdly happy that he looked at you that way. "So any chance I can convince the good doctor to stay and hang out?" He pretended to contemplate and then whipped out his phone and started calling someone. "Who-" He put his hand up cutting you off

"Hi, I liked two orders of your pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns, with orange juice to drink, delivered." He looked over at you.

" I don't know about you but last night made me hungry"


You two spent the day just hanging out, with the occasional indiscretion, just watching movies and discussing literature, eventually ordering take out again and popping open a bottle of wine.

" So you really telling me that you've only slept with 5 women?" Spencer nodded.

"I've only blessed women I've really liked with my magnificence." You laughed, "Someone's a little cocky aren't they?" He gave you a look

"Oh Spencer, oh god, oh my god, fuck me" He starts moaning his own name and running his hands on his body. You cover your face in embarrassment. He stops and laughs. "Pretty sure that wasn't me saying those things last night." He smirked at you and you couldn't say anything to deny him, so you just buried your head in his lap and laughed at yourself. When you pulled up Spencer was just staring at you.

"What?" you gave him a questioning look.

"Nothing, you just look beautiful when you laugh" You got quiet, staring into his eyes. "Oh, you think? I kind of thought I sounded dumb." He shook his head no and leaned down and kissed you gently.

Woah Woah this is not a hookup kiss, this is a kiss kiss, is Spencer Reid Kissing me? Am I kissing him? His lips are surprisingly soft and gentle

He pulled away and ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry" You shook your head "Don't be"

You could not deny yourself the connection you were feeling to Spence at this moment. He did say he only sleeps with women he likes, and that kiss, was something, something I could get used to.

You two just sort of ignored the moment and continued cuddling, until it got late and Spencer decided to leave.

He stood awkwardly in your doorway. "See you tomorrow?" You nodded and then decided to just go for it. You grabbed his shirt and kissed him.

"I don't what this was, or what you want it to be, but don't hate me if you don't agree, but I don't want it to end yet. " He just smiled at you and walked away.

And stuck with your thoughts you were.

There is no way I'm getting Spencer Reid out of my head. And I don't want to.

Taking a leap of faith and letting yourself think fondly of Spencer, you decided you wanted him to be yours, and only yours.


The following day you were deciding how to dress, do you dress up a bit to impress Reid? Or do you dress down to seem nonchalant? You eventually decided on a pair of dress pants that hug your ass well and a button-up blouse, with one less button done for now.

Once you are at work Spencer pays you no attention.


So you decide to play a little game.

First, you sit down at your desk and accidentally push a pen too far and have to lean forward, boobs on full view, and grab it.

And Reid's attention is got.

Next, you drop something next to your desk and have to get up and bend over to grab it, making sure you've got Reid's attention.


Spencer: You know I was trying hard to make it seem like I didn't fuck you but your making it very hard

Y/n: Sorry, just needed to know that you were still interested

Spencer: I'm more than interested.

For the next few days, the team had a long case. You and Spencer had the occasional flirtatious look, slight of hand, and a pretty constant text conversation. That was all there was really time for, you had to focus on the case. But you felt like more than casual sleeping together was building up, some of those texts were really cheesy. And you liked it, you had feelings for Spence, and you were starting to think they were reciprocated.

You were falling.

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