Chapter 14: Rhiannon and George.

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 It was morning time Jamie and Fred were in bed cuddling and chatting to each other. They heard a loud bang from the living room so Fred jumped out of bed and ran straight to the living room. Jamie followed and stood behind Fred as she was scared. When the two saw what was in the living room all panic left their system. It was George and he was absolutely hammered, he was with a girl but Jamie didn't recognise her at first. Then the girl moved her hair out of her face , It was Rhiannon. Jamie though she was meant to be at her mothers house.

"Morning you two." Fred said to the two drunks.

"Morning brother." George replied walking over to Fred putting his hand over his shoulders. 

"Morning." Rhiannon giggled putting her arm around Jamie.

"I though you were supposed to be at your mums?" Jamie asked Rhiannon.

"I was but then George asked me to have drinks with him cause he was alone while you two were on your date." Rhiannon said. Jamie walked away with Rhiannon to Fred's room. 

"Missy you do not look good. You want some clothes and i'm making sure you have a shower and a drink of water." Jamie told Rhiannon.

"I don't want to, let me sleep." Rhiannon said getting into the bed. 

"Nope you are having a shower you reek of sweat and alcohol." Jamie  picked Rhiannon up fireman style. She kicked opened the bedroom door with her foot and went to the bathroom. On the way to the bathroom Jamie shouted to the boys mostly Fred, " I'm making sure Rhiannon has a shower and sober up, make sure George does to." Fred was in the kitchen and peeped round the door to see Jamie carrying Rhiannon into the bathroom. He though Jamie looked hot but also was intimidated that Jamie could carry someone like that. 

Jamie turned the shower on and made sure Rhiannon got into it. While Rhiannon showered Jamie  brushed her teeth and hair. The girls were comfortable being around each other while showering it was just a best friend thing. This was not the first time Jamie had to look after drunk Rhiannon and it most properly wasn't the last time. Once Rhiannon had finished her shower Jamie gave her a towel and walked her back to Fred's room, Jamie gave Rhiannon a pair of her tracksuit bottoms and a jumper, she cast a quick spell to dry her hair. Jamie also got changed into the same thing as Rhiannon, while she was getting changed Rhiannon had left the room. Jamie walked out the bedroom to see Rhiannon sat on the couch with a glass of water.

Knowing that Rhiannon was taken care of Jamie headed to the kitchen. "You alright George?" Jamie asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Do I look alright, I think I need a nap." George said  leaving the room and sitting next to Rhiannon on the couch .

"Well that's a eventful morning." Jamie said to Fred sitting at the table.

"Tell me about it. Did you know they were going on a date?" Fred asked Jamie.

Jamie answered back in shock, "A date no! Rhi said George called her for drinks. However I know she fancies your brother so wouldn't surprise me if she finessed a date." 

"George fancies Rhiannon he told me,I think he liked her when we were at school he even pointed her out once she was sat at the ravenclaw table." Fred said shocking Jamie again.

"What is with us lot and becoming couples years after we started to have feeling. Me and you, Harry and Ginny , Hermione and Ron and now Rhiannon and George. Crazy. " 

Fred sat next to Jamie at the table and hugged her. The two of them sat there and hugged, the two of them savoured moments like this. Jamie had one worry in her head and it made her back away from Fred.  "You okay babe?" Fred questioned.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now