Chapter 9: Sleepover.

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(A/N : Warning I tried to write a spice scene but it was my first time doing that so sorry if its not good.)

Everyone was excited for the next couple of days as everyone would be together. Everyone had now settled and sat in the living room. Good job there was a couch , a sofa bed ( what Jamie slept on) and  4 beanbags to sit on so everyone had a seat. Jamie had invited her friend Rhiannon over because she missed her and also so Rhiannon could meet George. George was single and Jamie felt like he was left out since everyone else was in a couple. So Jamie spoke to George and he agreed to meet Rhiannon to see if he likes her. Jamie didn't expect them to like each other right away but Rhiannon needed some friends and now most of Jamie's friends had left Hogwarts she can introduce them to Rhiannon. The reason Jamie didn't introduce Rhiannon to the twins in Hogwarts was because she didn't want to get in trouble. Rhiannon was a Ravenclaw and she defiantly belonged in that house. Jamie first met Rhiannon in her first year in potions when Rhiannon sat next Jamie ever since that day Rhiannon and Jamie were friends. When Jamie first met Rhiannon she was a shy book loving teachers pet however ever since she had left Hogwarts and had the influence of Jamie. Rhiannon was now this loud, fun girl who travels the muggle world. She was Jamie's best friend.

It was agreed that the group will have take out and Jamie would collect it as she had to get Rhiannon. Jamie put on her shoes and one of Fred's hoodies , she hoped he doesn't mind and she set of to get dinner. Jamie went to leaky cauldron and ordered 4 pizza's to go. While Jamie was waiting she ordered two butter beers as Rhiannon was meeting Jamie  at the restaurant.

" Jamie !" Rhiannon shouted coming at Jamie for a hug. Jamie and Rhiannon hugged for a good minuet before anything was said.

"Rhiannon, iv'e missed you. How was travelling meet any cute boys." Jamie asked praying that  she would say no.

"Sadly not but the muggle world is amazing. I went to Paris , Dubai , Germany and Italy." Rhiannon said excitingly to Jamie.

"Well you can tell me all about it. I wished I came with you but stupid me decide it would be better to work in the joke shop. I do love working at the shop but I miss the muggle world." Jamie said. As she grew up in the muggle world until she went to Hogwarts.

As Jamie waited for the food Rhiannon told her all about her adventures in the muggle world. How she met so many different people. She even said how lucky Jamie was to live a muggle world before Hogwarts. 

"Order for Jamie." The waiter shouted. Jamie walked over collected the food and headed back to the flat with Rhiannon.

When Jamie was at the door of the flat she told Rhiannon, "Beware they are loud, silly and might try to prank you but I have warned them if they do prank you they get a punishment. Also I have no clue where you will be sleeping tonight we have a lack of space sorry." 

"Alright i'm ready. I'm not a sad scared Ravenclaw girl you were friends with in Hogwarts." Rhiannon told Jamie as they giggled together.


Jamie walked into the flat with Rhiannon behind her. As soon as she was seen the others were up and coming over to meet her. Jamie headed to the kitchen knowing Rhiannon will be alright. Fred followed Jamie into the kitchen he had met Rhiannon once when she came over before her trip to the muggle world so he sort of knew her. He came over and gave Jamie a kiss before grabbing a slice of pizza from the box and practically eating the slice in one go.

"You hungry." Jamie asked.

"yup." Fred replied with his mouth full. 

Everyone was now in the kitchen. "Ginny and Harry you share a box, same with Ron and Minoe I will share with Rhiannon and you two can have one together." Jamie said pointing at the twins and telling the group.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now