Chapter 48: A Problem.

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(T/W: Drugging) 

The next morning Jamie woke up with a banging headache and feeling sick, showing she was hungover. As she rolled over in bed it was empty, signalling Fred was already awake and doing something.

Jamie just stayed in bed trying not to move as she felt sick but as soon as Fred walked into the room and jumped on the bed Jamie shot out of the room and into the bathroom to throw up.

"Whoa J." Fred said as he followed Jamie.

As he walked into the bathroom he saw Jamie curled over the toilet throwing up the content of her stomach. "Fred get out." Jamie said as she lifted her head up.

Fred could see how rough she looked. Jamie hadn't been this hungover since they partied in their last year of school. "J, You need to be looked after."

"I can look after myself. Please get out. I don't really want you seeing me like this." Jamie said as she stood back up.

"I don't care about seeing you like this. I'm your boyfriend and I want to care for you." Fred said.

"I fi-" Jamie said, before she threw up into the toilet again.

"Come on, this get you in the shower." Fred said as he held onto his very hungover girlfriend.

He turned on the shower and made sure there were towels for her when she got out. "Right you get undressed and shower. I will make you some food and get you some water and a cure for this hangover."

"Fred please don't leave. I'm scared I haven't felt this bad in ages." Jamie said as she threw up again.

"Let me get you some water. I will be back in a minute." Fred said as he walked out the bathroom quickly.

Jamie undressed and got into the shower while Fred was getting water. She knew this wasn't just a hangover. It felt like she had been drugged. Her head hurt a hundred times more and her body felt weird. She had no clue when it would have happened but it must have been when she was alone. As Anthony would have stopped anyone he saw and no one would go near her when she is with the twins. They are pretty intimidating especially because of their height and build.

When Fred was getting water George asked him if Jamie was alright.

"She has a hangover. But it's never been this bad. I think she had something else." Fred told his brother.

"What!? drugs? Because I know that is one thing she will never do. It could just be a bad hangover; she hasn't drunk that much in a long time. And if it's something like drugs she didn't take it herself. George said to his brother, getting angry.

"You never know." Fred said.

"She is my best friend. I know she wouldn't do that shit Fred. Now if you're not going to look after her I will. Because on many occasions I have. I did it all through school and I can do it now. "

"Wait, when did you do it in school?" Fred asked, changing the conversation.

"Every time she was hungover or drunk. While you were whoring around or being a dick cause she had kissed someone else.." George shouted back.

All of a sudden there was a poof at the fireplace. "What is that noise?" A familiar voice shouted as the twins bickered.

"Rhi?" They said in unison.

"Rhi you back, you were gone a day what?" George said in confusion.

"They didn't need me. There were enough of us there so they sent me home. Now where's Jam?" Rhiannon said, looking around.

One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz