Chapter 8: The idea.

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It was a new day at the burrow and today Jamie didn't have the motivation to do anything. She just felt sick and wanted to stay in bed. Hermione had brought up some toast and water but when Jamie ate she felt more sick. Hermione thinks Jamie caught a bug while working and Jamie agreed with Hermione. Mrs Weasley made a potion that will make her feel better, Molly said it will take about an hour to kick in.

Hermione was keeping Jamie company and they were just having girl talk. Hermione was telling Jamie all about how much she likes Ron and how she enjoys being with him. Jamie liked Ron and Hermione being together but had no clue if it will last, but if they ever did break up Jamie knew they would still stay friends as they had a unbreakable bond.  It had been about 40 minuets since Jamie had taken the potion and she already stated to feel better. Jamie no longer felt sick. So she got out of bed and got ready for the day. Today she was wearing a black jumper with a dog tooth patterned skirt. Jamie though it looked cute.

Everyone was sat in the living room so Jamie decided to join them. She sat next to Fred and he wrapped his arm around her. She listened to the conversation and they were talking about the joke shop. "In the new year we are getting more stock in as the shop has been busy. We defiantly have to stock up on the pygmy puffs they have all sold out this Christmas." George said telling the group. Jamie loved the pygmy puffs they were so cute. Ginny had told Jamie how to take care of them so she look after the ones in the shop. The conversation wasn't very interested so Jamie headed upstairs and into the music room.


Today Jamie decided she should play the bass as Ginny had been playing it a lot. Talking about Ginny she had come upstairs while Jamie was playing. Jamie thought Ginny wanted to play so she put the base down and headed to the drums. 

"You want to play something together Gin."  Jamie asked.

"Yes. But I only know one song at the moment to can we do that?" Ginny answered your question.  So far Jamie had taught Ginny how to play another one bites the dust by Queen a muggle band.

"Sure , It's a good song. I will sing the lyrics as well so you know where you are if you get lost." Jamie got the drums sticks and started to play the song on the drums. Ginny joined in as soon as she could. The two of them sounded really good. Ginny had the biggest smile on her face as she was playing. That smile made Jamie think of another great idea. They should start a band. Jamie knew Hermione could sing and with enough convincing she would be in.

Once Jamie and Ginny finished playing the others walked into the music room. Jamie hadn't noticed but she had forgot to put the muffliato spell on the room.

"Bloody hell that was amazing." Ron said. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Well thank you me and Ginny have been working hard for the past couple of days." Jamie told everyone. "I do have an idea and it might sound stupid but I think we should start a band and you guys could be involved."

" I'm in." Ron said as soon as you finished speaking.

"Me to." Said the twins.

"What about you Hermione, Harry ?" Jamie asked. "I know you can sing Mione, I have heard you."

"Well... I don't know."  Hermione answered. Jamie knew she would need convincing.

"Come on it will be fun babe." Ron told Hermione.

"Right i'm in as you guys are really bad at singing and I can't have that." Hermione said making everyone giggle as she came up a excuse.

"I don't wan't to be to involved such as on stage. But I could be a roadie." Harry asked.

"Well we need one of those you can also be like a manger Harry." Jamie said to Harry giving him a hug knowing he didn't want to be on stage as his whole life was him being in the spotlight and now he just wanted to be a normal wizard.

Everyone decided what instrument they would be playing. Ginny on bass, Fred on drums, George on electric guitar , Hermione singing , Ron on percussion and Jamie on Guitar or replacement in case any of them were ever ill.

"Don't we need a name guys." Fred mentioned. Jamie had many ideas in her head but none of them good enough.

"What about the sexy seven " George suggested.

" what about the fantastic friends. " Hermione suggested.

"Or we could name it after Jamie as she was the one with the idea of a band and is going to be teaching us all how to play the instruments." Ginny suggested 

" Yer something like one girl , six Friends." Fred said and it was the best name idea Jamie had heard.

"Yes that. One girl , six friends." Jamie said walking up to Fred and kissing him. Not careering about any others in the room. 

"Get a room." George said while making sick motions.

"Shut up George." Jamie said playfully to him while sticking her tongue out at him. " So I can teach you guys while i'm not working and at nights. We can set up a rota so I get some time to myself and everyone will get there share of teaching time. Sound good. " Jamie told everyone while they nodded in agreement. Jamie had done it her dreams were about to come true. She always wanted to start a band with her friends Jamie would have tried with the twins but it wouldn't have worked out. They would have just been cheeky and misbehaved but with everyone around and the twins being older the future was looking good. Jamie was dating Fred and starting a band. She was starting to live the life she wanted.


Tonight Jamie and the twins were going back to their place. Christmas was over and Molly needed less people in the burrow. This lead to all the others staying at Fred and George's. The twins lived in a flat and there was defiantly not enough room for all the people sleep but everyone was really excited as they would all be together. Everyone was packing there bags and Jamie had finished so she went to Fred because she knew he wouldn't be packing but messing around with his brothers. Jamie walked into the twins room and the twins, Ron and Harry were on the floor play fighting. Jamie though to herself  that at the age of 20 and 18 they would grow up. 

"Boys... come on stop pissing around and pack." Jamie said telling them off.

"Yes captain." George said giving Jamie a salute, making Jamie laugh.

"If i'm the captain follow my orders and start packing we have to leave soon. " Jamie said to all the boys and not in a happy tone. Harry and Ron left the room to pack. To be honest they were getting  on Jamie's nerves because all the twins did was piss around and Jamie couldn't get a break as they were the only people she hung out with.

"Ohh I like bossy Jamie." Fred whispered in Jamie's ear making her blush. Jamie gave him a peak on the cheek and helped Fred pack his things.

When everyone was eventually packed everyone said there goodbyes to Molly and Arthur and promised to be back for the new year party. Jamie gave Molly and Arthur a big hug  and thanked them for letting her stay even though she were a member of the family and sometimes lived in the burrow when the twins got on her nerves. Jamie was thinking about it she should really get her own place maybe with her friend Rhiannon. Everyone got into the fire place and had a handful of floo powder. Next thing Jamie knew everyone was in the living room of the twins flat. 

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One girl , six friends: A Fred Weasley fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now