Chapter 23: I Just Want To Give In and Give Up

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(Amanda's POV)

I was sitting in the waiting room by myself. Zayn had left to go walk with Kelsey, Harry and Louis went to be with Liam, and Savannah went to the cafeteria to get some food for us. This loneliness I was feeling I had never felt before. I mean sure I had been alone, like at my house, with no one but myself and my thoughts, but this time was different. It felt more internal than external. Like I had lost part of myself and couldn't get it back. My mind kept wondering about anything and everything. What was going to happen to us? Would we ever see Hannah,Alexa, and Niall again? What am I going to eat? Dang I'm hungry. Is Liam gonna be ok? God I must look so ugly right now. Ugh im so tired I haven't slept in days. When can Harry and I actually spend time together? Gosh I am such a nervous wreck.

Just then I heard an announcement over the intercom.

"Would the party of Liam Payne please come to the front desk. The party of Liam Payne to the front desk please." I walked up to the front desk. I saw the same nurse who delivered the bad news to us earlier and gave us the letter.

"Hi, I'm part of the Liam Payne party. Why did you want us? Did something bad happen to Liam?!" I asked. I started to freak out.

"No miss just please calm down hes gonna be fine. I called you up because I have just received another letter for you." She held out the letter for me to take. I took it. I wanted to collapse to the ground, but I kept my cool and walked back to my seat.

I opened the letter slowly. I was shaking so bad. When I finally got it all the way open I started reading it. It said:

Missed me? Hahaha! Wow this is so much fun! Watching y'all freak out and go bazerc. Like watching a funny movie. Well I bet you've noticed your little friend Hannah is gone. I promise ill take good care of her. Haha! Well I guess yall already know that I have those dirt bags Niall and Alexa. Trust me they'll get what they have coming to them very soon. All that matters is that im not even close to being finished. I have special plans for all of you. Hope you're ready to play my game. Just f.y.I......... I always win.

I couldn't believe this. I felt like I was about to throw up and faint. When was this going to end? Who was next? What were we going to do? Just then Harry walked in. He saw me clenching the note.

"What's that babe?" He asked

"Its nothing just...... ummmm.... some stuff I wrote down to sort out my thoughts." I answered. God I hate lying to him.

"Can I see?"

"No its really personal haz." He kept looking at me. Straight into my eyes.

"Why are you lying babe? What's wrong?" He grabbed my hand. He always knew when I was troubled and when I was lying. I dont know how but he always did.

He started to rub circles in my hand with his finger. God why does he have to know my weakness. I handed him the letter. He took out of my right hand and held my left hand. He read it. He couldn't stop staring at it. I hadn't realized but I had been crying. I hadn't realized till he whipped away my tear.

"Its gonna be ok love. We're gonna make it through this. Jake is gonna get what he deserves and well be ok." He said. He then hugged me and that's when all the tears came out. I couldn't take this anymore. When will this pain end.

(Niall's POV)

I kept looking at Alexa. She just kept looking down.

"Alexa. Baby. Please look at me." She slowly made eye contact with me. I could see everything. The pain the anger the pure sadness. I hated this. Seeing her hurt hurt me so bad.

"Alexa. Baby everything's gonna be ok. We're gonna make it through this. We're gonna be happy and have our own little family with Harry and Amanda, Liam and Hannah, Zayn and Kelsey, and Louis and Savannah." I wanted to help her so bad. I just wanted hug her and make all the pain go away.

"I dont know about that Niall. I just want to give up, give in. No matter what the cost. I want this to be over. All this pain is my fault. I deserve the punishment. I love you!" She said.

"Stop it! Dont talk like that! You cant leave me Alexa. I wont let you. We are going to make it through this. None of this is your fault. This is all Jake's crazy ass fault. He deserves the punishment." She started crying again. I tried to scoots over to her it hurt so bad but I didn't care. I would do anything just to get close to her.

Just then the basement door opened two figures stood at the top of the stairs. What was going on? Who was this other person?

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