Chapter 17: Where Is She?!

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(Hannah's POV)

We had arrived at Liams flat. He unlocked the door and we walked in.

"Don't u already have a few clothes over here love?" He asked.

"Ya. Ill get them. I think they're in your room." I wasn't really paying attention I couldn't really think straight. I was just so worried and was thinking about Niall and Alexa. I guess Liam noticed cause he came and gave be big hug.

"Everythings gonna be ok," he released so he could look me in the eyes. He cupped my face,"Well figure everything out. Alexa will be fine and so will Niall. And ill always be here, I'll never leave u." He kissed me for a while and then took my hand and lead me to the bedroom.

We grabbed our stuff showered and went downstairs. We decided to wait for Harry and Amanda.

(Amanda's POV)

"Harry ru ready!?" I screamed. I had showered and gotten dressed. I was fixing my hair and doing my make up now.

"Almost. Just need to put on some shoes and pack our bag." He answered.

"Ok" I walked put of his bathroom to find him sitting on the bed staring at me.

"What? Is something wrong?" He got up and walked towards me.

"No of course not."

"Then why were u staring at me?" He came and grabbed me by the hips.

"Why cant I stare at my wonderful, beautiful, amazing girlfriend?" I just giggled and kissed him. His phone started to ring. Totally ruined the moment. Stupid phone!!

(On the phone)

"What do u want?" Harry said.

"Hey Mr. Snappy!" Hannah said.

"Whatever. What's up why'd u call."

"What's taking y'all so long we r downstairs waiting for u two."

"Well just go without us well catch up."

"Dude 1 u have the keys 2 we came together in one car remember."

"Fine well be down in 10 minutes."


(Off the phone)

"Hey we gotta get goin, Hannah and Liam r downstairs waiting." Harry said

"Ok" I walked out of the bathroom. "All done."

"Wow you look amazing" he said kissing me like he did before the phone rang

"Thanks. You're not to bad urself." We laughed and got to packing a bag.

When we finished we went downstairs. Hannah and Liam were there as they had said. We hopped in the car.

"Hey can we stop at Alexa's house? Just to get a few things." Hannah asked

"Why?" I asked

"I dont know. Just to check if Jake is actually holding her there. I really dont know, just a part of me wants to go. And besides we need a pic of her for the officer.

"Fine ig ru ok with that babe?" I said

"Ya ig."

We made our way to her flat. None of us were really excited. I mean who would be.

(Alexa's POV)

I woke up with a major headache. I was lying in bed next to a passed out Jake. Last night was not a dream sadly. I tried to get up without waking or moving him. I succeeded. I made my way to the door. Luckily Jake left it unlocked. I looked around. I was trying to find the phone. I couldn't find it anywhere. It wasn't in his room, the living room, or the bathroom. I went to the kitchen. There was paper everywhere. I moved stuff around and I finally found it. I went to type the Amanda's number but in the middle of doing so something hit me in the head. Everything went black.

(Hannah's POV)

We finally arrived at the Alexa's flat. We walked upstairs. There was yellow tape everywhere but we just ignored it and went inside.

"What ru doing? Its closed off." Amanda said

"Please just come on!" I begged


We walked in. Everything looked normal till we got to Alexa's room. There was blood on the floor and walls. The window was wide open. There was just a cold feeling in here. We looked around.

"Hey what's this." I noticed a little paper on the floor. I picked it up

"Read it." Amanda said.

"It says:

So u think uve gotten away and that I'm goin down. Think again. This is just the beginning. Ill be back. Alexa on the other hand may not. And one of u wont be either. Who will it be? Harry? Niall? Liam? Ig ull just have to wait and find out." We all stood in silence. Amanda started crying and Harry just held her. I couldn't move I felt numb. Liam came over and held me. I couldn't handle this.

(Nialls POV)

Louis and zayn came in to check on me. Gosh how happy I was to c Lou he made everything better in a non-gay way. He just made me laugh and stuff but the only person I really need is Alexa. I wonder if shes ok. My stomach didn't hurt as much as my heart. The doc said I could leave in 2 days thank God. If I ever see Jake though it'll be too late for him to go to a hospital.

Lou rushed in he looked like was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"They found something""

"Who and what'd they find!" I was worried. Did they find Alexa's cold dead body?

"Hannah and the others. They found a note. I just got off the phone with them."

"What'd it say who was it from!"

"Jake and u wont like it"

Thanks so much for reading almost to 1000 reads :) please keep reading some exciting stuff happens stick around!!!!!

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