Chapter 6: What Happened?

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I finally gave Jake my new address and a key to my place. I wish I hadn't, but if I didn't I would've suffered even more at school. I had just got out of school and I just wanted to relax. I made a hot bath, light some scented candles, and hopped in. I was still sore and my neck was killing me. I ignored it and just laid back trying to relax.

I had probably been in there for 20 minutes. I heard a noise outside and jumped.

"Hello?" I said and got no answer. I just laid back and ignored it. Before I knew it my head was shoved under the water and held there. As I thought I was about to drown I was brought back up by my hair.

"Did you miss me bitch!?"

"Jake! What are you doing?" I said before he shoved my head under the water again. He pulled me up and bashed my head on the tub. I started bleeding and everything was going fuzzy. He dragged me out the bathroom by my hair into my bedroom. He threw me on my bed. I had already started shedding tears.

"Stop crying you baby!" He yelled

"Why are you doin this? What did I do?" I asked so confused

"You think I don't know what you do with him?! How many times have you done it? "

"What are you talking about?"

"How many times have you fucked him? Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

"I haven't done anything! I haven't cheated on you! I love you I wouldn't do that!" I said crying less and drifting in and out of consciousness.

"You lieing bitch!" I felt his hands wrap around my neck and his grip get tighter. Everything started going black. Before I lost consciousness, I felt something glass like slam against my head. I was out like a light.

*Friday after school*


I wondered what happened to Alexa for the past 2 days. I decided to stop by her place with Hannah.

(At Alexa's house)

The door was oddly already open when we arrived. We cautiously walked through the door.

"Alexa!?" I shouted.

"I wonder why she left her door open?" Hannah said

"Me too"

We continued to yell her name, but got no answer. We looked around and couldn't find her.

"Lets check her bedroom." I suggested. Hannah nodded.

We opened the door finding Alexa lying on the floor, in a pool of blood, lifeless.

"Oh my God! Alexa! Are you ok! Can you here me? What the hell happened?" Hannah screamed frantically as she ran to her body to turned her over.

"Oh my God!" I cried

"Is she dead?" Hannah asked cuddling her body crying.

"We need to get her to a hospital!" I said walking over to her.

"Come on  Hannah!" I said snapping her out of her shock. We carried her body into my car and brought her to the hospital. Hannah stayed n the back with her, crying her heart out. I was crying so much it was almost impossible to see the road.

As soon as I pulled up to the hospital, I jumped out of the car screaming for help.

"Help! Someone help us please!" I said as I opened the door for Hannah. I helped her get Alexa's body out of the car and we rushed into the hospital.

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