Chapter 36: The End

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I’m back! With an update!

Can I just take a moment to thank you all! You guys are absolutely amazing!!


I know that may not be a lot to some people, but that’s absolutely f***ing amazing to me!!!

But gosh I’m so sorry that it is sooooo late! I’ve had a lot going on! I had exams! The holidays were hectic! Family was being bothersome! I was in and out of the hospital for a little while! Then I had to get back into the swing of school! I just got surgery and I’m still recovering! Just ughhh I’m sorry guys!

I know y’all are probably tired of my excuses. Just know that I really am sorry!

I just want to let you guys know that there is only one more chapter after this chapter. But good news is that there will be a sequel! But yay all most likely will hate me for the way this book ends, but I promise I’ll make it all better in the sequel.

So I think that’s it! I promise I won’t make y’all wait another 2 months for the ending!


(Niall’s POV)

I felt her hands on mine. I heard her sorrowful cries. I listened to her sweet, beautiful speech.

Why can’t I respond? I need to show her I’m here. I need to show her I hear her.

I want nothing more than to be there for her. I want to prove her right. I want to hold her in my arms and tell her that everything will be okay. I want to wake up for her. I need to wake up for her. She needs me… and I need her.

“Alexa! Babe!” I try moving. I feel myself slightly twitch.

Is that enough?

Niall? Niall?!” I hear her. It was enough!

That beeping noise starts to get louder and more out of beat. It is annoying. I wish it would just stop already. I hear more noises and more cries from Alexa. The presence of her hand leaves mine. Where’d she go?! I want her back! I need her hand in mine again!

I start to feel strong shocks on my chest. They are continuous. Each one is stringer that the one before. That familiar darkness starts to come back. The shocks seem to dull down. That beeping noise stops.

Darkness seems to be the only thing I know now.

(Alexa’s POV)

The tears haven’t stopped yet.

What’s wrong with Niall? What happened? Is he going to be ok? Is this my fault? What did I do wrong?

I heard footsteps approaching me, but I didn’t pay any attention to them. They got louder and louder as they approached me and soon stopped right in front of me. I slowly brought my head up and looked at the figure through my tear-filled eyes. The figure was blurry, but I soon recognized a familiar clothing that he was wearing. That red beanie…

He slowly lowered himself down until he was on his knees, eye level with me. I stared back into his intense blue eyes like Niall, except they were darker and scarier. It was like he was staring into my soul.

He quickly and painfully grabbed my right wrist, causing me to gasp. He brought my wrist out and reached into his pocket. He pulled something out and placed it in my palm… an envelope? After, he forcefully yanked me towards him until his lips were next to my ear.

“Follow every fucking word… or else you know what will happen,” he said powerfully into my ear. I just sat their stunned. He let go of my wrist, stood up, and walked down the hallway towards the exit. I didn’t move.

What just happened?

I slowly landed my gaze on the envelope in my hand. It was slightly wrinkled, probably from being in that guys pocket. It had nothing written on the outside. I was scared to open it.

What was inside? Who was that guy? Why’d he give me an envelope?

I gradually brought my left hand up and held the envelope in both hands. I started to break the seal. Once it was all the way open, I pulled the piece of paper out of the envelope. I unfolded the letter cautiously. My heart rate increased as I recognized the handwriting. I swear my heart stopped as I read the horrible, heart-shattering words inked onto the paper. Once I was done reading it, I reread it and reread it until I realized this wasn’t a joke or a dream, I wasn’t seeing things, I was truly living this unending nightmare.

Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh. My. God. This can’t be happening…………. I officially give up. I’m done living for me. I give in. it’s the only way… It is for him. I’m living for him now.

“Miss?”  I snapped out of my daze and looked up at the nurse standing in the doorway of Niall’s room. She has a smile plastered on her face. Why is she so happy? “He’s awake.”

It took me awhile to process what she had just said to me. “What?” I whispered.

“He’s awake, honey. He’s okay. He asked for you,” she said reaching out her hand to help me up. I just stared at it. There were no more tears to give, whether it was out of sorrow or joy, I was dry. I was happy that he was awake. I was devastated at what I had to do. I was confused about all of this. I was scared about Niall and I’s fate. I hated myself for being so pathetic. But most of all, I was numb.

I grabbed the nurse’s hand and let her lead me into Niall’s room. As soon as I walked in, I looked at him. The worry in his eyes dissipated into love and happiness. He let a few tears fall as his eyes met mine. He was happy and alive. I was numb and dead inside. I saw that look in his eyes and it only killed me more. I couldn’t take knowing what I was about to do was going to be the end of him.

I froze before I reached him. A confused look spread across his face. “I’m sorry... I am so so sorry. I have to. I have to. I'm sorry” I rambled off through the fresh tears.

“About what? Alexa? Babe, what’s wrong? What is it you have to do? What's going on?" he asked, worried and confused. I had to do this. I had to get this over with. This is what's best. This is for him. This is how much I love him.

You Never Loved Me Like He Does (Niall Horan Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now