Chapter 3: The Dream Ends in a Nightmare

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We ended up going to the Nando's around the corner. We were seated as soon as we walked in. I sat next to Niall, Amanda next to Harry, Hannah next to Liam, and Louis and Zayn all alone. Everyone ordered their drinks first and then Harry started the conversation.

"So where are you girls from?"

"We are all from here, Little Rock, Arkansas." Amanda replied.

"Ya. Do you guys like it here so far?" I asked

"It's a very beautiful place!" Niall told me

"Ya and the people are beautiful as well and nice." Liam said looking at Hannah

" Awwww well I'm sure everyone appreciates that compliment." Said Hannah

"So how old are you guys" Louis asked

"Well Hannah and I are 18 and Alexa wont be till April." Said Amanda.

"Oh so your the baby of the group?" Zayn asked jokingly

"Ya I guess," I said with a giggle.

"Here are your drinks. My name is Sarah and I'll be your...... Wait aren't you guys-"

"Yes we are one direction. Now ill have the peri peri chicken." Niall said. All he was focused on was his food. We all laughed except the waitress. She seemed a little hurt.

"I'm sorry for the way he acted yes we are one direction, love." Liam said giving Niall a disappointed look.

"Oh no its fine I expect that from the Nialler." She said. We all laughed even Niall knowing that it was the truth.


We had finished our dinner and were just finishing up talking now. We really got to know each other and even exchanged numbers. We payed the check, got up, and left.

We were just walking around now hanging out. I went to check my phone. I had 10 missed calls from Jake.

"You ok Babe?" Niall asked

"Ya I'm fine, just have to make a phone call right quick."

"Sure take your time." He said I smiled at him.


"Where have you been, bitch!" Jake answered.

"I was hanging out with the girls. Guess what! We got to meet the guys. It's amazing."

"What? You slut. You rolling around with other guys."

"I'm just hanging out with them. We're not doing anything but talking and hanging out."

"Whatever you'll get what you deserve when you get home."

"Jake, I swear we are not doing anything but talking."

"Whatever slut! Just be ready." He said as he hung up.


I walked back joining the group.

"Everything alright babe?" Niall asked me.

"Ya that was just my......"

"Your what?"

"My 'boyfriend'" I said sadly

"Wow don't get too happy," he joked," Why are you sad?"

"Can we just drop it and go back to having a good night." I asked as nicely as possible.

"Of course. Anything you want." this made me blush and giggle. Why couldn't Jake be more like Niall?


The rest of the night was nice we took a nice long walk through the park before we went back home. The girls dropped me off at my house, we said goodbye, and I went inside. I was so tired and weak I could barely walk up the stairs. I was more sore than ever. I went into my room and took my heels off and laid down. All of a sudden I felt a force push me off the bed.

"Ouch! Shit! What the fuck!" I looked up and saw Jake.

"Finally what took you so damn long to get home!"

"I was out having fun. Enjoying MY life!" Before I knew it a shoe made hard contact with my face. I was bleeding now and crying out in pain.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that.! And shutup!" I tried to get up but was just pushed back down.

"Jake! Stop! Please!" He then grabbed me by the hair making me get up.

"I told you that you'd get what you deserve my love!" He said as he threw me against the wall. His force was the only thing holding me up.

"Please! I told you nothing happened! We were just hanging out." I said as I screamed in pain "Why can't you see that I never have and never will cheat on you, you dick?!" I started sliding down the wall as he took off his force releasing my body. Then I realized what I said and my fate was sealed. I was going to die.

There was silence but I knew he hadn't left yet. Before I knew it, I felt a hard hit me in the head and everything went black.

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