Chapter 31: He Must Die

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(Alexa's POV)

Jake came stomping down the stairs. He stopped right at the bottom not moving a muscle. He was just staring at me. I stared back. He started walking towards me. I didn't know what to do anymore, this was my last option. Soon enough he was right in front of me. I just looked up at him. Before I knew it he was pulling my hair back, placing his face close to my ear.

"Jake! Jake! Please! Stop! Please stop hurting everyone. I love you ok! You're all I want! You're all I need! I'm yours, but you have to let everyone go!" He stood up to examine my face, but he didn't let go of my hair. He was silent and that's what frightened me the most.

"You'll have to prove that later, but right now I have a surprise for you." He said calmly. He let go of my hair and walked back towards the stairs. "Get in here!" He shouted. We heard footsteps come from upstairs. The door to the basement opened and a figure stood at the top, looking down at all the destruction. "Hurry up! Get down here!" Jake yelled. The figure didn't move.

(Kelsey' s POV)

I had been waiting a long time. I didn't like this at all. I had to do this. I just had to. For everyone's safety. Well maybe not everyone's. I hope I can be forgiven.

It was time.

(Alexa's POV)

"I never agreed to this, Jake! You lied to me! You said you were just gonna take them and get Alexa! You promised that no one would get hurt!" The figure said. I knew that voice! I couldn't believe it!

"Well things change when people get in my way! Now get your ass down here!" Jake yelled. The figure obeyed, probably out of fear. That traitor. Jake then looked back at me. "Awww is poor Alexa confused? Are you scared? Weren't expecting this were you! You're close friend... on my side, all along." I just kept looking back and forth between the two.

"How could you? You were one of my best friends! You meant so much to me! I trusted you! You're the reason I'm in this mess!" I screamed. I was so pissed off.

"Alexa you don't understand! I had too! It had to be you. If I didn't follow what he told me it was only gonna be worse. He was gonna hurt everyone I know." The traitor said.

"Oh ya so just go ahead and sacrifice me and everyone I love. I can't believe you would do this. We could've found another solution together.... Kelsey!" I said.

"Alexa I'm sorry! I really am! I didn't mean for any of this to happen! He told me he was just gonna get you and leave the rest of us alone!-" She said.

"You were just gonna let him take me! Let him continue beating me and abusing me! Some friend you are! Don't try to save us all just go ahead and sacrifice me!" I yelled. How could she!

"Blah blah blah! Ugh enough! You're giving me a headache!" Jake interrupted. "Now back to you Alexa. You told me you loved me. You told me that you're mine." He then lowered his head to my ear. "Now you have to prove it." That sent chills through my body. Jake stood between my legs. He brought his hands towards me, but went to my back. He leaned over me, untying the rope around my wrists, stealing a few kisses on my neck. Then he went to untie the rope around my ankles. He grabbed my arm and lifted me up. I didn't realize how weak I was until this moment. He stood me not too far in front of Niall. He then went and picked Niall and his chair up off the floor. I didn't know what was going on. I just looked at Niall with our eyes locked. I mouthed I'm sorry and he mouthed back that everything is going to be ok. He gave me a weak smile along with his surprisingly calming words.

Jake came back and stood behind me. He put his hands on my hips and brought me closer to him. He whispered in my ear,"If you truly love me.... you'd kill him." His hands left my hips for a while before he grasped my hands and put the pistol in them. I just stared at it then back at Niall.

"What?!" I said barely above a whisper. Tears were threatening to leave my eyes.

"You heard me. If you love me, you'll kill him." Jake repeated.

"You said you would let them go. You promised!" I cried.

"And I'll keep my promise. Once you prove your love for me, I'll let the rest of them go. Not him though. He must die." Jake said. I looked at Niall with tears in my eyes. His eyes were grey and dull. He looked tired and weak, ready to give up. I had done this to him. This was all my fault. I don't care what Kelsey did. Deep down this was all my fault.

"No." I said through my tears.

"What?! NO?!" Jake said furiously.

"Alexa! Just do it! Please Alexa!" Niall pleaded seeing the furry in Jake's eyes. That brought on more tears.

"Shoot him right now or I'll do it for you!" Jake said pulling my hair back. The pain coursed through my body but nothing hurt more than seeing Niall like this.

"Ok!" I said. Jake released my hair. I wobbled a little bit befor I regained my balance. I mouthed," I'm sorry! I love you!" To Niall. He blew me a kiss before he put his head down. I drew the pistol higher. I aimed it. More tears came. And my body reacted without my permission. The gun went off.

(Amanda's POV)

Harry and I heard some ruckus coming from Zayn and Kelsey's room. We went to in investigate.

"She's gone Lou! My everything is gone! She left without me! This is all that jackass Jake's fault!" Zayn said looking like lava was about to flow from his ears. He was so red.

"Whoa! What's going on? What's wrong Zayn?" I asked going up to him and rubbing his back.

"Kelsey left! She's gone." Zayn said calmly. He handed me a piece of paper and went downstairs. I opened it up. It was a letter from Kelsey saying she had to leave and how much she loved Zayn. I looked up and Harry and Louis were looking at me. I handed them the note and went downstairs to look for Zayn.

(Kelsey's POV)

There was blood. So much blood. It was everywhere. I couldn't believe what just happened. He wasn't moving. It's over... hopefully.


Holla you wonderful tacos!!!!

Ooooo I wonder what happened!! Did she shout Niall? Or was it someone else? Guess you'll have to wait and see!!!

Well I'm sad to say this, but.... You Never Loved Me Like He Does is coming to an end :'( I think I'll add like two or three more chapters and then it's over. Some people have told me to do a sequel, but I don't know. Tell me what you guys think in the comments cause if I do a sequel it changes the ending.

Also, though this story may be end I have other ones that are starting. I have a Harry Styles fan fic and a Liam Payne Fan Fic I'm working on. Someone also suggested I do a Larry Stylison one so may try that. Tell me yalls thoughts in the comments please. (Sorry if I misspelled Stylison)

Thanks so much you guys for reading. Thanks to y'all this story has over 12,500 reads and over 80 votes. That may not sound like a lot but it's a lot to me. I really appreciate it!!! You guys are awesome!!!

Thanks again!! Have a great summer!! See you next chapter!! <3

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