Chapter twentythree : Nothing special.

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It wasn't until after I had woken up that night—or rather morning that I realized that I didn't remember how I got into my bed. I remember falling asleep outside on the bleachers and that was pretty much it. I'm there one minute. The next I'm gone. It was really weird. I was going to ask Rosemary or Taylor but thought against it.

            Other than that the week passed much the same. I went to class, ignored Caden and family, went to lunch while making sure Caden and siblings were on the opposite side of the room, and lastly snuck into my dorm every night. I have to say that was probably the highlight of my whole time there. Sneaking into the dorm was sort of cool and fun. I had to make sure no one but the students spotted me. Even if the kids did spot me they never ratted me out. It wasn’t until after that I found out the kids have a special bond. If you’re in trouble just call the Hami-Alliance. Hami is short for Hamigway, as in the school name. It's a stupid name but it works. especially since hami sounds like hemi and only half the school actually helps you out while the other half just ignore you. People pretty much figured out I was in the very middle of the spectrum. While people like Tall-e and Taylor where on the radicals of the Hami-Alliance. Rosemary sort of falls in the opposite side of the spectrum, she wouldn't snitch on you but she wouldn't help you out either.

            I went to group therapy but it was hard avoiding Caden in there. I made sure to be the last one in, sit next to Mrs.P and be the first to leave. It was exhausting but I found it entertaining. I didn't have any visits that week. I idly wondered why Jared or Lyle hadn't come to visit me in a long time. I figured they moved on and found something better to occupy they're time. This is better for them. Bad for me. They were my only eyes on the outside world. Strangely enough even Lyle's mother hadn't come see me. I think that one hurt most of all. The week was almost over and I found it hard to relax in bed every night.

            Lately every night for the past week or so people have been coming into my room at night. Sometimes they talk really loud but sometimes they just sit there in silence. In the night I can feel their eyes on me and they're cool breath against my warm skin raising goose bumps. I tried staying awake all night but for some reason they don't come in that time.  I tried paying attention to who came in. I tried listening to their voices. More than once only one set of feet came into my room. Most of the time it was after the others left. Those set of feet would stay all night and would leave just as I woke up. That person touches my face and makes sure my blankets are pulled around me. Every night when I have bad dreams the person who stays there sings to me. There voice transfers into my dream and my nightmare suddenly becomes a sweet empty dream.

            I still have nightmares every night but there are always altercations. One night I had a dream Lyle killed everyone except me because he loved me. I knew that couldn't be possible because he wasn't there at the time. Another night Jared was the one who killed Alex and Alexa. The night after Alex killed his sister than himself. After that night Alexa killed her brother before hanging herself. The night after that tree's came to life and started to kill everyone. I actually died in that dream. At least I would have except I woke up screaming in the middle of the night just before the cool hand on my forehead vanished. The night after that we each killed each other. I wasn't sure if it meant I wasn't the killer or if I was trying to convince myself that I wasn't. In the land of milk and cookies—or in the case blood and murder nothing is as you think it to be.

            I think that's a pretty obvious statement.

            Rosemary's been concerned as to why I haven't been hanging out with Caden and family but I ignore her questions. I think they haven't told Joseph about anything that happened between Caden and I, and me going at all lengths to avoiding them because every time he sees me he calls me over. For example the other day I was cutting through the center field taking the short cut to the dorms. I was half way across when I suddenly heard Joseph calling.

            “Hey! Acacia! Where have you been? I've been searching everywhere for you!” He screams at me with a big grin plastered on his face. Before reacting I looked over the faces of Caden and his siblings. They held hope in their eyes and a small smile on their face. I turned around and ran back into the school building and took the extremely long way back to the dorms. I am kind of angry at Caden for kissing me because now I can't hang around with his siblings. If they weren't always together I could hang around with them but not Caden.

            Other than that things have been the same. Which really sucks. Next week the kid's with special permission are going to the beach. It's different from the other one Caden told me about. This trip is not for the ones who have made progress but the ones who passed progress and will most likely get out soon. They're going to announce the people going in two days. I think Rosemary might be one of them.

            Nothing special happened this week. 

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