Chapter twentyfive: Long time heart beat.

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 “I'm so sorry I haven't visited you over the last couple of weeks.” Apparently Jared thought he'd be on my good side if he came at nine in the morning to visit me and plead for my forgiveness. “I figured I should give you so time to... sort of come to terms with the new information. I stayed all day the day you fainted. Well until they had to practically drag me out. Forgive me? I was thinking about you the whole time and if you're wondering if I told them what happened don't worry I didn't. I just told them you didn't feel good and fainted.” I hadn't thought about that. I was too caught up my nightmare and getting away from Mrs. Evans to even think about what they knew or didn't know.

I scowled at Jared but grabbed the bag he was holding out to me. He would know that meant I forgave him. Jared brought me 'forgive me treats'. In the bag was some really good junk food and new head phones for my iPod. I also saw black nail polish and ribbon clips to put in my hair. He even bought me some new bracelets. I nodded my head in his direction to show my appreciation. I slipped on my new bracelets and put the garbage down his shirt. He laughed and ruffled my hair. I think that's the one thing I like about Jared. No matter how much time we spend apart and no matter what happens he always knows how to make me happy and what I like.

Jared walked next to me in silence. I saw him from the corner of my eye stealing glances at me. I took out some hostess cupcakes and stuffed me mouth with it. Jared laughed and I looked over at him innocently. Caden caught my eye and I saw him along with his siblings laughing at me. I huffed and returned to searching my bag for more fattening food. Mrs. Evans scolded Jared for bringing me outside objects but let me keep them. I would have kept them anyway.

Once we were in my room I locked the door and sat down on my bed. Jared looked around and asked a couple questions that I ignored. He sat at the foot of my bed smiling down at me while I stuffed my face. He told me about his day so far. He told me about the jokes he and my cousins have been playing on my mother. He even said that Lyle had been spending time with them and that they've become good friends. I was happy that both of my friends are friends.

“Hey. I have to go... Walk me to my car.” He looked nervous and unsure. I shrugged it off and took my bag with me. We walked along the hall in silence. It felt good just being with someone and not worrying about anything. “I want tell you something.” Jared said as the front doors came into view. I nodded my head and continued walking. We were so close to the doors. We were close enough that we could hear Mrs. Evans scolding a couple kids.

Jared put his hand on my arm holding me back. I stopped and looked up at him. He didn't look down he just kept starring at the front doors. “I want to...I have to tell you something.” He whispered down to me. He smiled. “I remember that day we met. It was the most amazing day of my life. Well you know not what happened later that day I was talking about meeting you. Wow. This is going to sound kind of sappy. I know you hate sappy. Then again it's probably because you've haven't had sappy-ness your whole life. Maybe I should choose a different word. Sappy and sappy-ness isn't a word. At least I don't think it is.” I squeezed his lips together frowning at them. He laughed and I let go. “Yeah. I guess I was rambling.” He combed his hair with his hand nervously. “I...I've always... Ever since that day I... Ever since I met you and the more time I spent with you I...” I rose my eyebrow's telling him to get on with it. “I love you.” He rushed looking at me.

It didn't sink in. I stared at him wide eyed. He... I turned around and headed for the doors. “Hey!” He called after me. He loved me? Why? That makes both of them! Maybe it's some sort of a practical joke? Maybe my mom put them up to this? They couldn't love me. They shouldn't love me. How could they? I have an illness. That's why I'm here. I cut my self. I almost died because of it. There's no way they could possibly like me let alone love me. This can't—

Jared grabbed my elbow. “Hey?” He looked down at me. He had so many emotions. Fear, anger, loss, relief, anxiety. Love. Never noticed. I didn't know what I should do but I think I just snapped for the third time since I've been there. I pushed him away from me and he stumbled out the door. I shoved him again. Now I was outside and Mrs. Evans was standing next to me looking at us. I took the bag and threw it at him. “What are you doing?”

I took off my bracelets and threw them at his head. “Is this your answer?” I took off the necklace I found in the bag and threw it at him. “Answer me!” He was mad. On my other side stood two boys. One was holding a football the other a basketball. I grabbed the football and threw it at Jared's head but he caught it before it hit him. I threw the basketball and it hit him in the stomach. “Oomph!” He looked up at me incredulous. I snatched the clip board out of Mrs. Evans hands and threw it at him. He snatched it out the air just in time. I glared at him and pointed to his car. He didn't move.

I huffed and turned to look at a shocked Mrs. Evans. I glared at her and pointed to Jared and his car. “You want me to make him leave.” I gave her a small strong nod. I turned around and walked back into the building.

“Wait! Is that your answer?! Is this it?” I heard Caden and Joseph struggling to keep Jared back. Mrs. Evans kept telling Jared to calm down and go back to his car. “So that's it after all this time? You can't honestly tell me you didn't feel anything?!” Suddenly it was very quiet and the groans and grunts vanished. I stopped and pursed my lips. Before I knew what I was doing I turned around. I stuck my tongue out and pulled my skin under one eye down. Everyone was just staring at me. I saw Jared's lips twitch into a smile before falling back down into a frown. “I wonder if you'll ever fall in love. I really hope when you do they love you back.” He paused and his eyes watered. I bit my lip. “I know for a fact Lyle loves you and he told me he confessed. That's why I confessed because you didn't give him an answer. I wanted you to know that I loved you because I hoped you would choose me. Do you choose him?” I closed my eyes and shook my head before opening them again. “It really pisses me off that someone as amazing as you never had love in her life and least not since that day.” He gave me a small smile. “You maybe be in love and not even know it.” I dramatically pouted my lips. I changed my expression to an amused glare and put my fists up as if I was ready for a fight. I returned to my blank expression and dropped my fists. I put two fingers to my lips, kissed them and held them up next to my face. Goodbye, Jared. I turned around and walked back to my room.

I didn't want to be awake so when I got to my room I changed clothes and put my headphones on. I lay down and within minute's I was asleep.

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