Rosemary's past

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            “My parent's sent me here because I suffer from depression.” Rosemary's little voice made its way to me. It was full of sadness and pain. “When I was little I was I lived with my grandparents and my uncle. When I first got there I was happy and I would always have fun. My uncle and grandpa would take me for long walks and we would go to the beach because it was right down the road. When we would get back home my grandma would have fresh cookie's waiting for us on the table. We would always have lots of fun.” She paused for a moment. “When I started getting older my grandpa grew sick. Sometimes he got so sick he would spend months in the hospital. My grandma felt bad about leaving my uncle and I alone in the house. We felt lonely too but it was better than seeing my grandma's sad face so we would tell her we were okay and tell her to go spend time with grandpa.

            “For a while everything was okay. My uncle would cook for him and me. I would help clean the house and I would pack clean clothes for grandma. She would come home once a week when grandpa was in the hospital. Uncle and I would always visit. Every week. When grandpa got better he would come home. We would be happy again...for a while. As time passed grandpa got worst. When the hospital would send him home we would all have to be extra careful. I was still so small. On my 6 birthday we couldn't throw a party and my grandpa felt bad but I didn't mind because at least he was home.” She let out a strangled sigh. “That day grandpa told me he would read me a bed time story but when I went in he was asleep so I told grandma to wake him up but she said to let him sleep. I didn't want to because he promised me. So when grandma left the room I woke him up. After he finished reading the book to me I went back to my room and feel asleep.  When I woke up the ambulance was there taking away grandpa.

            “I was so scared and sad. When the ambulance left grandma started hitting me with the belt. She said it was my fault that he had to go back to the hospital. She said that if I hadn't wakened him up it wouldn't have happened. She kept beating me till I started bleeding. My uncle came and took her away from me. That night my grandpa died in his sleep. For a while my grandma moped around the house. She stopped taking care of herself. So my uncle had to force feed her and he had to give her a bath. By that time I had started to notice boys. I also noticed that my uncle was 16 and he had never brought a girl home before. I asked about it one day and he said he wasn't interested in any of the girls at his school. He said he had a special person he wanted but knew he couldn't get. He said he loved her beyond belief and that she was the most gorgeous person in the world. I asked him why he couldn't have her and he simply responded 'we can't be together'. I didn't understand it. I told my uncle that if he loved someone he should be with her no matter what the problem was.

            She paused again and seemed to have aged a couple years. “That night there was a thunderstorm. I hate thunderstorms. So I climbed in bed with him. For a while we were silent. Whenever the thunder struck I would cuddle closer and whimper into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and told me not to worry that I'd be safe as. He said he would protect me from everything. After a while the thunder stopped and all that we could hear was the heavy pounding of the rain against the windows. He told me he loved me and laid me down on the bed. He let go of me and hovered over me for a second getting something out of the draw.”

            She broke out in new tears and started sobbing. The people around her began coaxing her. From what I understood this is the first time she's talked about her problem. They kept telling her to stop but she kept telling them she needed to get it off her chest. “He started undressing and I asked him why he said he was hot. It was hot after all it was the middle of July and the rain just made everything sticky. He said if I was hot I could undress too. I didn't think anything of it and I was too young to have anything to hide so I undressed. I lay back down in my underwear and for a while my uncle just sat there starring down at me. I didn't know why so I asked him. He said it was because I was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen it made me giggle. He started tickling me and I laughed hard. Then he stopped tickling me and started kissing me everywhere. Then he took off my underwear. I told him to stop but he wouldn't. He kept telling me how beautiful I was.”

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