The Disastrous Beginning

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 Dedicated to Beautiful_Liar for the awesome banner on the side.

The Disastrous Beginning 

            Getting off my full size bed I made my way to the mirror in my bathroom. My dyed black hair reaches my collar bone and is cut into layers. My roots are turning blonde again. I make a mental note to buy black hair dye. Combing the rats nest I have has hair I style it in my preferred manor; bangs straight down onto my forehead and the rest split down the middle. My makeup is still on perfectly; thick black eye liner making my ice blue eyes pop out. My lips were pale and beginning to get chapped. Lip balm for a week, if I remembered. I quickly slid on my brand new hoop lip hearings.

            I remember the day I got them. When I was twelve I got on a bus after school and headed to Slaughterville, a town befitting its name. I had a friend in Slaughterville whose mother owned a tattoo shop named Slaughter You, she had a funny sense of humor. My parents said I should not associate with people like him meaning I should not talk with people from anyone outside the gated community. I'm happy I had not listened to my mother.

            Lyle, my friend, knew my parents would not approve of them but he did not care, he still asked his mother to pierce them for me. His mother felt bad for me and pierced them for me, which was bad for business if she was ever caught. "Your mother won’t like it but she's your mother and you’re a customer so.” She had said and shrugged. She smiled and said "If you want a tattoo just come down. Free of charge and I never saw you." She winked. I knew I would go back for my tattoo. I've been down there so many times I could just walk in there and anyone would attend me, parental permission or not.

            Lyle had been my best friend ever since then. We talked about piercings, tattoos, and motorcycles; anything dangerous and stupid really. Sometimes he'd give me a tour of Slaughterville. Slaughterville and Romance, the gated community I live in, used to be part of the same town named Pyro but once the gated community went into plans they separated. Now if you asked anyone they would say Slaughterville and Romance were never one. They rather make up this elaborate long romantic story about the ‘founders’ of Romance. According to them the founders of Slaughterville came from a prison Romance used to have until it burned down, what prisoners lived made camp next door.

            Anyways, once I finished with the piercings I went straight home, no one saw me until the next day. Let us just say my mother threw a fit and my father expected it. He did not go crazy in fact he knew this was coming he had that finally it happened look on his face. I smiled. I guess he'd seen this before. Seeing as in my father was not raised here he must have seen this before at school or something. Life before Romance.

            Ever since then I thought my father would back me up, even if he was against everything I was doing. He had gotten the message that I was not planning on changing back any time soon so he started looking for another person like me. Good thing not most parents believe in arranged marriages anymore. Also parents in Romance do not have kids like me. You see Romance is a suburban area. Everyone basically lives in the same house; same floor plan and same house color, parents drive the same cars just different colors, kids all go to the same school, everyone is uber nice, it’s always quite, and everyone is involved in the same line of work; everyone's dad is involved someway with the government; their either lawyers, detectives, police officers, judges, doctors, or something like that. So not only am I a misfit in school but in my little safe perfect town.

            I sigh and walk to my window. Pulling back the curtains I let the relief of the vanishing sun wash over me. I grab my CD player and could not press play fast enough. I can hear nothing but the drums and bass of the song and sigh, happiness. Black leggings, red converse, oversized red pullover with the sleeves cut off and a black members only jacket make me nearly invisible in the night. I pull one ear bud off and pause the music so I can listen to the sounds in the house. No noise. I open the door and quietly sneak out.

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