Chapter thrity three: Daddy, would you like to finish me off?

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 Acacia's POV

The week's been uneventful. Saturday I wasn't expecting any one but oddly enough Tristen told me Jared was waiting at me in the front. I was currently making my way there. Lina was on one side and Caden on the other. I cheerfully listened to my music. I think Tristen lied to me when he told me Jared was at the front because instead I saw my father. I stopped short. When he saw me he stopped pacing. At first he was shocked, probably because I was tanned. Then he was guilty. He should be.

He walked inside the hall way towards me. He was slowly followed by a worried Jared. He gave me a small smile. “Can we talk?” I shrugged my shoulders and changed directions towards the ball room. I heard my father and Jared follow me. When I got to the ball room I held the door open for them. Caden was still with his family down the hall. I gave him the what-are-you-doing look. When he realized what I meant he nudged his sibling's and they made their way towards the ball room.

Caden and Tristen took their spot on the seat in front of the piano. His siblings stood stiff around him while I stood near the mirror-wall. My father and Jared stood opposite me. For a few minutes no one talked. I wasn't going to be the first so the awkward silence stretched on.

“We should talk about what happened last time.” He spoke to his feet. When I didn't answer he looked up. In seconds his guilty face was replaced by his father-business face. “You shouldn't be mad at me because I slapped you.” His voice was hard. “You shouldn't have done that to your mother.” I kept my face emotionless. “Lately you've been acting up much more. I don't know if it's because you were trying to act cool in front of your cousins and Jared.” I scoffed. “I don't care either but you should not act like that towards you mother. You know she loves you and cares about you.” I tried my hardest not to comment on that. I clenched my jaw. “You mean the world to your mother and me. You know that right?” Again I didn't comment. He starred at me for a while until his face got cold. “How can you continue to give me that deadpan face? Are you really cold hearted? Why do you act this way if you've been loved and cared for your whole life?” His voice was just below a yell. “Are you going to continue to act this way towards your mother and I?” I didn't answer. “If I knew your mental disease was this bad I would have sent you here earlier! How can someone who's been nothing but loved her whole life be this cold?”

“Maybe you should stop yelling at her and ask her!” Jared yelled at my father.

“I'm not yelling and I did ask.” My father was fighting for control.

“No you didn't! You accused her of being cold hearted. Just ask her flat out.” Jared looked at me. “'Why do you do what you do?' or how about, 'Why do you act so cold hearted when you’re not?' Or something even better. Something that would explain everything,' What happened that damaged you so badly?'” My mask slipped. My horror and sadness showed on my face but I replaced it. I looked away from him towards the floor.

No one had ever directly asked me that. I would never answer that question. I would never relay the information that was inside me. I would never hurt someone with the information I know. I could never do that.

“What happened that hurt you so badly?” My father said low and soft.

“I'll never tell.” I said to the floor.

No one said anything.

“Acacia.... you have to tell him. You need to tell someone. Do you expect to live for the rest of your life without telling a single soul?” He sounded pained.

“Have you? You know most... rather some of what happened. Your one of the witnesses. You were there that day. Have you ever told anyone?”

“You know I don't know exactly what happened. I only know under what circumstances it happened, with whom it happened, and where it happened. But if you want me to...”

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