What lead me there.

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            By the end of the week my bruises were disappearing. When my father came back all there was left was a faded blue and red, barely noticeable. The boy's decided to stay the rest of the month. I told them they could leave but I honestly did not want them to. The boy's and I went down to Slaughterville and met up with all those boy's Lyle wanted me to meet. They were really nice although Michael, Jeffery, and Jared seemed a little uncomfortable at first but later they started talking about cars and tattoo's and Jared made some new friends.

            We spent most of the time aimlessly wondering the streets. One day we all went on a triple date. Michael took the girl he met at the movies, Jeffery took a girl he just met, and Jared and I went together. Jared and I were already like a couple; we are always touching in some way whether it's that his hands on my thigh, were holding hands, or his arm is around my waist or shoulders. Most of the time Michael or Jeffery catch us starring at each other, they sometimes come into my room and see me and him making out. Even though we act and look like a couple we are not. Not that Jared has not asked me, because he has, I just do not want a long distant relationship.

            I did no go to school for 2 weeks, I kept telling my father I did not feel good. When I went back to school Drake had come to pick me up. Drake and I talked but kept our distance. When we got to school we would go our separate ways. I stayed after school for cheerleading practice. Much to everyone's dismay I did better than everyone—even the head cheerleader. The coach told them I had to be on the team whether they liked it or not. Two days after I got my uniform and pom-poms. We spent the next couple of days practicing a routine for the pep rally. On the day of the pep rally I had to parade around in my uniform during school. Nobody could believe I had joined, they though it was a joke.

            My parents had gone to a therapist and made appointments for when I had to go. I woke up on Saturday morning groggy. I got up and got dressed. When I went down stairs there was a hand written note from my dad: Sorry kiddo me and your mother went out for breakfast with the boys. Eat something and catch the bus to the therapist. I'll be calling later to see if you went. With that I got my pop-tarts and went outside. The sun was in my eyes so I put my sun glasses on and went to the bus stop. When I got to the therapist I figured I would not say anything and just sit there quietly. I was in the waiting room when a tall woman came out crying and behind her was a man. The man was short and still had all his hair, he was probably about 45. He had square shaped glasses on the tip of his nose. When he called my name he smiled and said he was happy to finally meet me. He had his hand out but I just walked right pass him.

            I walked into his office and sat down in what would be his reclining chair. He looked at me from the door and smiled. He in the couch in front of me. “How about we start with 30 minutes? Then as our time with each other progresses we can extend the time.” He said talking an egg like shape timer from the table and moving the little stick to thirty. “So tell me how do you feel?” He said placing a box of tissue's in front of me.

            I say nothing just stare at him with no expression at all. I look away and sigh. This was going to take forever. The minutes tick by and no one says anything.

            Finally he says “You seem sad. Do you want to talk about it?”

            No. No, I do not want to talk about it. Not with you and not with anyone else. No one can help me. Do not act like my friend. You are not my friend. I rant in my mind. The minutes tick by slowly so slowly. I do not think I can do this. I do not want to be here. I rather be at home hearing music in my room. I want to leave. I really should not go through with this. Why act as if I am normal and okay if I am not? There is no point. Plus if they send me away at least I will be away from my mother.

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