Chapter Twentyseven: Lies and truth.

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 I was pacing back and forth beside Rosemary who lay on the bed in the nurse's building. After I told Caden what happened he carried Rosemary over to the infirmary. Nobody asked me anything or made any movements towards me. They watched my panicked expression from across the room until they couldn't take it anymore and left the room. I've been alone next to Rosemary since then. I sat down and gazed at Rosemary looking for a sign of movement. There was none.

I bounced my leg up and down. I did something I never did before and bit my nail. I never had to worry this much before. I really wanted to find out what happened.


I really needed to know why she screamed.


I needed to know what happened to her.


I needed to know she was alright.

“Acacia?” I blinked and saw Rosemary staring at me. I stared down her for a while before I finally realized she was really awake. Caden came in just then followed by everyone else.

“What happened?” Caden asked.

“I don't know. I was walking with Acacia and her friends and then this white thing came over my mouth. Then I woke up here.” So they drugged her. Everyone starred at Rosemary but they slipped a few times and looked up at me.

“No?” Caden said. “Acacia told us that she left you in the lobby and went to her room with her friends. She said that when she walked them to the door she turned to go back to her room when she saw you laying there unconscious.” Caden looked at me confused. I could see the questions in his eyes. “Right?” I nodded my head. He was skeptical but turned too looked back at Rosemary.

“No. I was with you. I was telling those twins all about both you and me. You were with the boy with black hair and the one with blonde hair. The boy with glass was in between us. We were walking and then you tripped and the black haired boy had to catch you. Then I walked away with the twins and the boy with glasses and you stayed behind with the other two. When we were about to turn the corner I saw you making out with the blonde boy.” I forced myself to look confused. Thought throughout the years I've become really good at faking emotion so I could tell they didn't know it was forced. I shook my head.

“Acacia wouldn't lie.” Caden said in a condescending voice. “Acacia wouldn't keep something so important from us. Would you?” I shook my head. “Acacia wouldn't keep something from us if she knew you were in danger. Would you?” I shook my head. “Acacia wouldn't make up some story to cover up something else. Would you?” It took a while but I finally got my head to shake.

There was silence around the whole room. Did they not believe me? Damn it Rosemary! Do you have to spoil all my good ideas? Do you have a freaking death wish? I swear! Just accept this and accept that you’re insane! Don't question it any further! Just shut up and go with the freaking flow!

“Oh. I guess it must have happened as soon as you left.” Rosemary said confused but understanding. I let out a big gash of breath I was holding and passed it off as a strangled cough when I noticed. I let me eye's close and combed my hair with my hand in relief. Thank you Rosemary. Mrs. Evans figured now was the right time to ask Rosemary for her full name, as to why I had no idea. “Rosemary Alexandra O'Neal.”

After a few more questions Mrs. Evans finally let Rosemary sleep. I watched her smiling face as she drifted off the real land of milk and cookies. Caden and his family stood in a huddle a couple of paces away. I could hear their whispers. That last name sounds so familiar. Where do I know it from? O'Neal. O'Neal. O’Neal. Who do I know with that last name? O’Neal? Come on. Rosemary... Alexandra.... O'Neal...

“I was going through her family records. Turns out she has two older siblings who went missing.” I looked over at Mrs. Evans suddenly very interested in what she had to say. I saw them all look over to me but she didn't mind and continued to talk a little louder so I could hear. “They weren't much older than her at the time of the disappearance. They were a couple months younger than you, Acacia. They lived on an Island. Kittamen Island.” I felt my eyes widen. “Her siblings at the time lived with their parents and at the time there mother was pregnant with a second rather third child. The two that went missing were twins.” I gulped. “Their names where—“

“Alex and Alexa.” My voice didn't match my horrified face. “Oh my god.” I covered my mouth and looked over at the sleeping Rosemary. “Alex and Alexandra O'Neal and there little sister Rose—" I couldn't finish my sentence. I stood up and rushed over to the bathroom locking the door behind me. I just made it to the toilet when I threw up.

No wonder she looked so familiar. No wonder I heard her last name before. No wonder I felt like I had to save her all the time. They both rested their lives in my hands! Am I some sort of recognized O'Neal killer? Does fate or destiny or does God want me to get rid of all O'Neal's? Oh my god! She was rapped! Do all O’Neal’s have such a horrid fate and life? Is it some sort of O'Neal curse? Am I the appointed killer for the century? I suddenly became very aware of the bangs coming from the door.

I stood up wobbly. I had to hold on to the sink to keep me up right. I rinsed my mouth and washed my face. I flushed the toilet twice hoping the smell would go down with it but it didn't. Though I did find some mint air spray and sprayed that. Thankfully it cleared away the smell. I grabbed a pack of mints from my pocket and put six in my mouth. I kept my mind blank the whole time not wanting to think about it. I waited for the mint's to dissolve before opening the door. A few paces away stood the Evans. Rosemary was awake and looking at me worried. I looked away from her and continued past everyone. I thought I was in the clear. Silly me.

Caden grabbed my wrist and turn me around. “Are you okay?” I wobbled a little but caught my balance.

I looked up at him completely blank of emotions. “Keep her away from me.” I said low enough for only him, Joseph, and Tristen to hear. I yanked my arm out of his grip and continued out the building.

This is the end of the O'Neal's and me!

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