Chapter Sixteen : Haunting.

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 I was standing in one of the rooms in the cabin. The twin boys and a little black haired boy were standing behind me silently watching. I walked over to a night stand next to the dusty bed. I picked up a dust covered frame and lightly wiped the dust away revealing a picture. It was an old couple and a little girl. They looked so happy. Smiling I put the picture down and walked over to what I thought would be the closet. It was empty so I closed the door. I turned to look at the boys. They stood there leaning against the wall smiling. That's when I saw the pocket knife on the dresser. I walked over and dusted it. I smoothly took out the blade and admired its smoothness and shines.

A thousand thoughts filled my head. Images of Alex, Alexa, Jared, the twin boys, and the other boys filled my head. I heard Alexa giggle and starred at the tip of the knife. I silently hummed wondering about possibilities. Without warning I turned around and stabbed one of the twins in the arm. His brother quickly went over to him checking on him. He and the black haired boy screamed at me but I ignored them; content. I walked out of the room to find the pale boy holding Alexa in his arms and the boy with glasses coming towards the door. I walked closer and they realized that not only did I have a knife but there was blood on it. I walked over to the pale boy and stabbed him on the leg. He cried out in pain and I laughed. I stared down at Alexa it must have just clicked to her because she started screaming. I threw the boy with glasses against the chimney and continued to look at Alexa.

Suddenly the door burst open and Alex lunged at me. I took the knife and stuck it in his stomach. It went in so deep even the handle was inside his stomach. I let the handle go and peered down at me blood covered hand. I was only mildly aware that Alex had fallen to the floor. Alexa was screaming and crying but I ignored her. I tried thinking about something. I wanted to remember this day forever, but Alexa was too noisy. I was getting tired of hearing her. She was making me crazy. I told her to shut up but she didn't listen. Finally I cracked. I lunged for her neck rapping my little hands around her neck. I wondered what someone looked like when they got strangled. I stared into her eyes mesmerized. I could feel her pulse race beneath my bloody fingers. Her eyes showed betrayal and sadness. I watched with a smile as the life vanished from her eyes. I heard her quite silent little whisper. She called out to me.

“Sis—' Her died eye's starred into my crazed ones.

I woke up screaming. I sat up right and covered my mouth to muffle the scream. I felt my body shake and a hand on my shoulder. My body jerked away and in the bright light I could see Caden. He looked worried but my shaky body and mind couldn't process this. I saw Caden's lips move but I couldn't hear anything. I kept thinking tears were going to over flow but they didn't. They didn't even come up to my eyes. My vision blurred and I lost sight of Caden. I felt someone shake me and I opened my eyes. When I did close them? Suddenly Caden enclosed me in his arms. It made me even more aware of how much I was shaking but I couldn't pull away. I put my head in the crook of his neck letting his scent fill my head. Slowly I brought my shaking arms and rapped them around him. He squeezed me closer and rubbed my back willing me to calm down. I brought my legs up to my chest.

It felt right, hugging him. I felt safe. It felt like someone cared. I'm not allowed to think this. I squeezed my hands into fist grabbing a bunch of his shirt in the process. He pulled me even closer making it hard to breath but I didn't mind. I need some comfort, which I probably didn't deserve. I kept inhaling his scent letting it calm me down. Begging him to calm me down. I was still shaking a little when I realized we weren't alone in the room. I let me arms drop. He silently let his arms drop and pulled away looking at me worried. I put my bored mask on and turned to look at the door. There stood two girls and three boys. They looked alike yet they looked nothing alike. Caden's mom walked in and straight over to me.

“How are you feeling?” She asked reminding me why I was here. Great! I just fainted in front of Jared!

“I was walking inside when I saw you faint. What happened?” Caden asked. I groaned and covered my face. “Don't like showing your weak side?” Caden asked I didn't respond just rapped my arms around my legs. I closed my eyes and put my head on my legs.

“What happened?” Mrs. Evans asked after a moment of silence. “You really should tell me. What about that dream? It made you shake and scream. What did you dream? What was so horrible?” She asked softly. I felt the bed beside me sink and her cold hand touched my back. Unintentionally I flinched away. No one said anything. I realized I was still in my gym school uniform which I wore just because it was comfortable.

Without waiting for someone to say something I stood up on the bed throwing the blankets off. I jumped off the bed and continued towards the door always keeping my head down. “Where are you going?” Caden asked. I didn't reply “You’re going to your room?” Again, I didn't reply. I knew he would take that as a yes. “Why?” I stopped. Why wouldn't I want to leave? “You should stay here and rest.”

No, what I need is peace and quiet. “People in here have eye problems. Plus I hate when people pretend to care.” I continued to walk away passing many plain white beds along the way. I realized I was in the nurse’s office.

“Sweetie, I'm not pretending I really do care. You can talk to me.” Mrs. Evans said the same time Caden asked “Who is pretending?”

I ignored them and started humming one of my favorite songs and stopped when I realized I was doing it out loud.

As I got closer to the door the boys and girls made a path for me. I heard Mrs. Evans ask about my shoes but I ignored it. “You should listen to my mom and have the decency to at least answer her with a no not just completely ignore her.” A deep voice said from in front of me.

I stayed quiet and continued walking. “I'll tell you what she's probably thinking. ’I only answer people that I feel I can trust'.” He had it somewhat right. I only answered people that I liked.

The deep voice huffed. “It's people like you that kill off others.” The deep voice was close behind me but that wasn't what made me stop. I could feel my heart pick up. He didn't even know me and he labeled me a killer. Tears finally made their way to my eyes but I blinked them away. I let my hands form fist and continued along to the door. Just as I got to the door it opened reveling Rosemary. She had a basket full of sweets. She smiled at me but I didn't bother stopping instead pushed her to the side making her drop the basket.

When I left the nurses building I would have smiled but was to shaken up to. It was night time. Without a second thought I made my way to my hide out. The darkness made it hard to see but my bare feet found the newly made path easily. Even though I got to my hide out and I was alone I didn't find peace. I left and decided to head to the main building. When I got there I went to the ball room. I sat at the bench in front of the piano and starred at the keys. I closed my eyes and began playing drifting off into peace—rather my horrid thoughts.

Did I kill them? Had I done it? Is that why they're haunting me? Why? Why would I have killed them? No. NO! That's not right! I didn't do it! I know I didn't I just know it! I didn't do it. It doesn't feel right. I wouldn't have done something like that. As cold as I may be I could never kill someone. I could.... I could never....

I gasped as I realized someone else was playing alone with me. I froze with my hands hovering over the keys. I stared down at the feminine pale fingers. I heard a giggle and looked up. It made me scowl.

“I told you she would get mad if you played along with her. She did the same to me before I impressed her with my playing.” Caden said smug.

The girl frowned and stood up only to be replaced by Caden. He started to play a song and I played along with I’m letting the music flow into me.

“Do you think I'm capable of killing someone?” If I didn't ask now, even in front of his siblings I would never have the guts to ask another time. Caden was so shocked by the question he stopped playing and froze. I continued like nothing.

He started playing along and laughed nervously. “Don't listen to my brother. He is an idiot.” His voice didn't match his face expression. After a moment he asked me why I would ask that. I shook my head and chewed on my lip.

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