Chapter Thirty four: The truth shall set you free.

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I have edited all of this so if you started reading the unedited version you might have noticed the name Mat and Sawyer. They are the same person it's just that i forgot what i named the boy. Well i remembered what his name is. Mat = Sawyer = Dixon


 "Four words. Rapist. Murderers. Accomplices. Witness." My father's face paled. "Make that five. Abuse.

"Murder?" Jared asked horrified.

"Rape?" Caden asked breathless.

"Witness? Abuse?" Mr. or Mrs. Evans asked.

Ignoring them I spoke. "Do you remember the day I first met Jared?" I asked my dad. "The day mom's brother came over for a visit with a group of boys?" I didn't wait for him to answer. "The day Alex and Alexa went missing?" I knew he'd know what day it was for sure now. "Near noon time mom put me in a dress. It was white. It was tight around my chest. I remember it was a stretchy material. It flew out around me and if I spun around even if I didn't do it fast it still lifted the dress up. She gave me a new pair of white flip-flops to wear with that. Remember? By noon time they did arrive. Mother pulled me down stairs and we were introduced to them all. Jared, Jeffery, Michael, Thabit, James, Dixon, Aidon, and Andrew. You told me to take the boy's outside and play with them. So I did. I watched as they played in the dirt because mother told me not to get dirty. We joked and laughed, carefree. Alex and Alexa spotted us from their yard and came over. Alex convinced them to chase me around. Jared laughed and told me I should run. So I did.

"Out the yard, across the front lawn, pass the fence, by the cliff which we would always watch the sun rise. Up the road, up the hill, and to the tree line just before the forest. I didn't know whether I should go into the forest because the setting sun did make everything ever so scary. That there was when you" I pointed to Jared, "did give me my first kiss. You promised to protect me and little naïve me believed you so I ran into the woods leaving you behind. I flew past the trees listening to all the branches and leaves crunch behind me as you all followed closely behind. The prize for catching me was a kiss upon the lips, so said Dixon. A ring of laughter and a single screech. Running faster and harder. Seeing my flip-flop tear but ignored it until it couldn't be ignored any further. My flip-flop ripped. I saw the tree's tip over and the ground get closer to me. The wind blew my hair into my face and the smell of dirt grew closer. I fell on the floor with excruciating pain on my ankle. You all gathered around me and we lost our way back home. Jared picked me up and carried me.

"In front of us stood a cabin. Moss growing on one side. Plant's, weeds, and tree's growing on the cabin. Log's piled window high collecting dust. We didn't know what to do so you took me inside and put me down on a chair. Everything was completely hand made. Large amounts of dust covered everything. When you walked in it was a large kitchen with three doors. It was getting darker so Dixon told you and Alex to go find the way back. After a little arguing I, stupidly, told you it was okay so you left. I guess the unraveling of events were my entire fault." My heart was pounding against my chest sending pain into my ribs. Did I want to tell them? No. Yet why couldn't I bring me self to stop talking?

"Alexa and I were sitting together for some time watching the other boys in a tight huddled group. They broke away after sometime. Dixon and the twins, Andrew and Aidon, told me to follow them inside a room so we could explore. I did because my foot wasn't hurting as much and you know me. I'm curious. We walked into a room leaving Alexa with the other two boys. In the room was a queen sizes bed and on either side was a night stand. On one night stand was a book and on the other was a glass cup. The boys stood by the door watching me explore the room. The closet was empty except for a rope on the floor. After closing the door I walked over to the dresser. On the dresser was a switchblade. An old fashioned switchblade knife."

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