Chapter Twentyfour: Weakness

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 They were holding an assembly in the center field. I heard a couple people ask to make sure it wasn't because they thought I was missing. I looked around taking in everything. People that were just coming out from lunch were throwing there messy rappers on the floor and making half eaten apple's and pug cake fly from side to side. Most of the kids where intertwined with the opposite sex, I didn't question it or their choices. Though it seems the oddest couple's and people gather together here. People didn't actually stick with people who share the same 'illness'.

I saw Rosemary's head bob up and down and made my way toward her. We sat down just as they called the assembly in session. They waited for everyone to sit down and stop talking. The therapist, counselors, teachers, and the Evans family stood in the middle of all the bleachers. They waited a few more minutes for everyone to stop moving and whispering before talking.

“As many of you know this year we are having a field trip for those who are either leaving or will leave.” She paused as everyone cheered and joked around. She smiled and nodded but waited for everyone to be quite before continuing. “In that list we have also included some students who have done much better than expected in both class and session areas. Don't get mad if you didn't get on this list because you might get on the next list. The students will be going to the beach. The only thing is” She tried talking over the students but gave up and waited for them to quiet down “this time around family and friends will not be invited. This trip is just for those going to relax and have fun because you've each worked hard and deserve it. I only wish we had enough money and man power to let all of you go. I will now read the list of those kids going.” There was an eerie silence as everyone waited in anticipation for their names to be called. Mrs. Evans called name after name and cheers erupted everywhere. I stopped listening as some point. If Rosemary got permission to go she would tell me. I think I was dozing off because Rosemary nudged me and told me to listen. My ears perked up just in time. “Lastly as two late additions are Rosemary and Acacia.” I raised and eye brow at Mrs. Evans and clearly saw her amused face smiling up at me. Rosemary nudged me and congratulated me.

“That's bull! Why does she get to go?” I yawned and lay down on the empty spot next to me. “All she does is sleep! Look! How is that an indication that she's getting better? I bet she slept with all the Evan boys.” Suddenly I felt an ice cold substance leak onto my shirt. I lazily opened my eyes and saw that my shirt was soaked with soda the girl was holding. I sat up, stood up and watched the girl. I could hear Caden and Joseph tell me not to hit her. I did what I did best and ignored them. I took off my shirt and threw it in the girls face before sitting down next to Rosemary again.

“What?! Why do you do nothing to her but when I threw melted chocolate at you, you broke my nose?” I ask myself that all the time. I couldn't find the body but I knew who it was.All the whisper's and talking stopped. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I stared intently at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I didn't know so I couldn't answer. Yet I knew so I couldn't shrug my shoulders like usual. If I did shrug it would feel like I was lying to myself and I didn't want to do that.

“It's 'cause of Rosemary.” I had no idea who said that but that person was very observant. Again silence echoed through the field intent on both Rosemary and I. It felt as if we were put on trial. Rosemary lightly grabbed me elbow. I knew she liked attention about as much as I did but it wasn't hurting her.

“If that's the case.” The girl who poured the drink on my said. Before I had time to react Rosemary screamed and soda spilled all over her. Rosemary's hair flattened to her head and her clothes stuck to her skin. I could slightly see the designs on her bra and I knew she knew I could see them.

I starred wide eyed at soda covered Rosemary. She looked at me both sad and horrified. What should I do? Attack? Then they'll know this stupid weakness. Not attack? Rosemary will hate me. Should it matter? She needs someone and it sort of feels like I'd be letting two Alexa's die. If I attack though they'll keep trying to come after Rosemary to get to me. That would probably be worst. What does she want me to do? Why does it matter? God I know I'm going to hate myself for this.

Before I could give it a second thought I elbowed the girl in the stomach keeping my eyes glued on Rosemary. I turned and looked at the girl clutching her stomach. Without as much as a move I twisted the girl around and broke her wrist just as she was about to rebel. She cried out in pain and I shook my head. I figured that was good enough but I broke her pinky just because she ruined my favorite band T. Caden and Joseph were trying to make their way up but no one was giving the room to do so. I shook my head and looked back at Rosemary. I think I was mad because I gave Rosemary a disgusted look. Rosemary flinched back and I heard people mutter about me attacking Rosemary. I clenched my fist and jaw to stop me from attacking the closest person to me. I relaxed one hand and grabbed Rosemary leading her down the stairs and into the dorms.

It's disgusting how much she depends on me. She should stand up for herself. I won't be around forever to keep her safe. Even if I was I probably would fail on the most important day and she would die. She needs to stand on her own feet. I hate when people depend on others so much. I never thought I would be the one who was being depended upon. It's infuriating! She didn't even try to do anything. If she at least tried to fight the other girl and she couldn't win I would have fought for her. She should have at least tried. Mrs. Evans thinks she's making progress? This isn't progress it's shitty pity dependency. Disgusting.

I pulled her to the dorm feeling eyes watching me the whole time. I knew she was crying because I could hear her sobs behind me. She kept mumbling a thank you. The more she talked the madder I got. I continued to her room ignoring her. Once we were there I pushed her in her room and closed the door. I quickly went to my room, locked the door, and changed clothes. A few minutes later I heard Rosemary knocking on the door. Since I didn't answer she left after some time. I laid in bed contemplating. I heard Caden and Mrs. Evans try to get me to open up but I didn't. It wasn't because I was avoiding them, not this time, but because I sort of regretted saving Rosemary. How was I supposed to survive if I let an Alexa look-a-like get hurt or die? I would have failed twice. They both should have learned how to take care of themselves. I obviously won't be any help to Rosemary. I'll probably get her into more trouble. I'll probably get her killed.

How am I supposed to live with the guilt twice?

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