A Hearts Confession.

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                Lyle had black hair and eyes. He was at least two heads taller than me. He was wearing a really tight shirt that showed you his abs. I raised an eyebrow surprised because he was wearing a shirt. He did not usually wear one. He was cute. I think that is what attracted me to him the first time I saw him. Of course when I met him I was nine so my nine year old self was attracted to him I guess. He is still cute but he is my best friend. I did not feel the same for him.

                Even when we met I knew nothing was going to happen between us. When we meet it was after that horrible day. Exactly a week after. I think maybe he was the only reason I was able to survive so long. The first few times we hung out we had fun but by the time the sun went down I would cry. It always ruined the fun but I could not help it. Lyle had told me that I had to be strong and beat up anyone who got in my way. Maybe that was why I had changed. Maybe this was my way of becoming strong. 'Course some people see it as becoming weak...

                “Hai AC.” Lyle smiled devilishly. Rolling my eyes at his nickname for me I opened my arm's stepping towards him. He put his arms around my waist and picked me up twirling me around. I put my face into the nap of his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck. Lyle always smelled good. He smelled of vanilla today, my favorite. “I bet ya wondering wha’ I'm doing here ‘n’ not in jail right?” He ask setting me down. I nodded my head. “Well the cops have nothin’ on me ‘n’ my friends ain't rolling. So they said I just had to pay bail but ya know my mom's ain't got nuff for how much they askin'. So I'm sittin’ down in hold up fo’ almost three weeks when suddenly the cell door opens.” Lyle wraps his arms around my waist as I led us to the main building ignoring the burn holes on my back from everyone.

                “What is your name?” Mrs. Evans, Caden's mom, asks Lyle. Lyle tells her his name respectfully.

                “Who are you to Acacia?” She asks writing it down on the visitors log.

                “I'm her best friend, lover, boyfrien’ , brother, sometimes roommate, uncl’ , dad, and whateva else you can think of.” He said smiling. I punched him in the stomach and he clutched it. “Sorry. I'm her best friend.” His voice was strained from my punch.

                Mrs. Evans smiled at the little show. “Okay. I need both of you to sign and then you two can go where ever you want as long as it is inside the gate.” She adds quickly. Lyle and I signed the paper before we made our way through the halls. I led him to the square like field between the dorms and school. I shushed Lyle to be quite so he we could sneak around.

                Quickly and quietly we made our way to my new hide out in the woods. He was impressed by it but I quickly shut him up and sat down. He followed my lead. We sat in silence before he finally spoke. “How are you?”

                I looked at him and shrugged. How was I? Numb? Angry? Depressed? A multitude of different emotions over powered by numbness. I quickly made a signal with my hands to make him continue with the story of how he was not in jail.

                “What the story from earlier?” He asked and I nodded my head. He quickly got reanimated. “Oh yeah! So like I said the cell doors suddenly opened ‘n’ guess who walks in?!” He looked at me. I stared blankly. “Ya dad!” I felt my eyes open wide. Why would he be there?! “He tol’ me he paid my bail ‘nd that I was free to go. He told me everything that happen ‘nd told me where ya were so I could come see ya.” He lifted his hand to where my father left a cut on my lip. “Sorry I wasn't here.”

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