Chapter fourteen - life is different

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Y/n's POV:

It's been a whole month since what happened with Bucky and not much has changed. I've hardly come out of my room which is still undecorated as I refused to let anyone in and I know it seems dramatic but when I was with my parents, something bad would happen then they would lock me away by myself so that's just what I'm used to. I was never used to being wanted until the avengers came along and I was never used to being loved until James was my boyfriend. And yes I said James, saying his usual name hurts. A lot.

I have no idea what James Is doing , he could be also locked up in his room or he could be living the life without me but either way, i can't think about it too long or my mind starts to wonder.

Today I decided it was finally time to have breakfast with everyone as it's been a long time since I have.

I come out of the elevator in a oversized hoodie and joggers with a messy bun and gigantic bags under my eyes. No one seemed to care about that though, they were all shocked I came down. Nat was the first to run up to me and jump in my arms, followed by Wanda.

"We've missed you! Come sit, next to me of course, we already have pancakes and a cup of tea made for you" Wanda had never been so excited in her life.

"But you didn't know I was coming for breakfast?"

"Well, me and Wanda have been making you breakfast everyday just incase you came down. Come eat quickly before they get cold"

Nat and Wanda were amazing friends, for a whole month they have been making breakfast that goes cold as I had been living on toast that I made in my room instead of what they had made. I sit down and start eating my Nutella pancakes , while doing so I catch up with everyone.

"So Peter what did you say about that old lady again?" Peter was so young but we got on really well.

"Well I helped this old lady with directions and she gave me a churro which was nice"

"Awh that's good, you'll have to swing me about some time"

" yes Miss y/l/n of course" he blushed at everything you said, he was adorable.

Scott was sitting there eating a whole plate of orange slices with a empty plate next to him so I'm guessing this is his second plateful.

"Scott what's making you craving oranges so much"

"Well I turned big yesterday and it was awesome and  it makes me feel weird so orange slices kinda help"

"Ohh right okay"

Everything was going just fine until we hear the elevator make the ding noise. In walks James, Steve and Eleanor... wait?! Eleanor!! Her jaw must of been fixed because she looked no different except a scar which must of been from surgery.

"Y/n!! You finally came down!" Steve shouted this as he ran towards me and gave me a hug from behind as I was still sitting down eating food. I watched as James realised I was there and his face went pale, he looked like he was about to throw up.

"Buck are you okay babe?" Eleanor just called James babe. What the hell have I missed. As James leans down and tries to make himself feel less dizzy , Nat puts her arm on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.
"I know what this looks like , but Barnes went for one meal with her and she hasn't left him alone since. He still loves you y/n, he's been acting weird without you"

"It's fine Nat, I'm just going to go upstairs I need some space"

"Nat will agree with me on this one, you've had a little too much space and you're going to have to face your problems eventually" Wanda really did have a point.

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