Last chapter - the wedding

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"Look I know it's very last minute and I completely get it if you say no but-"

"Yes Steve, you can ask Nat to marry you at our wedding. I wouldn't want to share this day with anyone else. Do it once I've thrown the bouquet"

Steve gave me a massive hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou, I better get going so Bucky isn't standing all alone, he's going to need me when he starts crying at how gorgeous you look"

"Your welcome cap, see you in a minute"

"Oh and y/n?"


"Your not the only one who gets surprised today"

As he walked out, my favourite girls come walking in but for some reason I find it hard to recognise the person at the back.

"Y/n you might not remember me but Nat called and-"

"DESTINY!" My childhood bestfriend stood in front of me, looking as beautiful as before with the biggest smile on her face. I gave her a massive hug, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes. "Don't make me cry, my makeup will get ruined" I giggled.

"You look....amazing. Wanda filled me in on everything that's gone on in your life and well I'm jealous! You have a very handsome man out there waiting for you. But honestly he's the lucky one to have you in his life" destiny must also know about my parents then too, I'm glad she didn't mention it.

"I never thought I would find a man with a metal arm so attractive but what can I say, my life is full of surprises"

"And I bet he can do wonders with that metal arm in be-"

"Yes yes it can" I winked and laughed as I wanted it to seem like I was joking, but I wasn't.

"Well I will go sit and wait for you out there, break a leg"

Destiny left and all my bridesmaids were all ready. The theme of the wedding was black and white, to not only match the time in the 40's but because it seemed to be mine and buckys matching shade like I always wore a white skirt with a black top and he always wore black... and the clothes I borrowed off of him when we first met were all black too.

This was my dress and the bridesmaids all wore black-laced white, beautiful gowns

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This was my dress and the bridesmaids all wore black-laced white, beautiful gowns.

The bridesmaids all chose what hair style they wanted while I just had puffy, volumed curls with a small tiara on my head

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The bridesmaids all chose what hair style they wanted while I just had puffy, volumed curls with a small tiara on my head.

As I walked down the aisle , Bucky is dressed in all black with Steve and Sam by his side. Every single avenger and guardian of the galaxy was there, all stood up , smiling at me.

My Bucky bear started to cry, and as I finally made it to him , he looked at me like I was an angel

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My Bucky bear started to cry, and as I finally made it to him , he looked at me like I was an angel.

It came the time to say our vows and I was first.

"My Bucky bear, our story is quite the odd one but even though most of the people here right now know the majority of it, I could never get bored of telling it. The day we met I wanted to slap you for calling me doll but who would know that I would come to love that nickname. I'm still sorry for the day I froze your arm and took some of your clothes - which you never got back by the way- but the look on steveys face was priceless when he saw me sneaking into your room for a shower"

I started to tear up.

"My life before you, before the avengers, was meaningless and I didn't know what it felt like to have a real family and a proper home . You all changed that but especially you because you loved me for who I am even if I was a little feisty at first. We have over come so so many things and all I can say is I love you way more than 3000 - sorry Morgan and Tony haha - I love you more than I can even put into words, I can't wait for my life to be filled with making plum crumbles, roof top dates and fighting crime together"

Bucky had started to full on cry now, he sniffed and tried to act all proud and tough to do his speech but he's too much of a softy and couldn't stop his eyes from still watering a little.

"Y/n, as soon as I met you I fell instantly. You brought back the old me that I didn't even know I had left and you made me feel like a giggly little kid again because I got all nervous around you. I don't think I've met anyone as strong as you, you've been through hell and back so I can't wait to carry on showing you what peace and heaven looks like. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true, I just want to keep showing you all the good parts of life - the ones that make you want to wake up the next morning. Speaking of mornings , I can't believe I can keep waking up to your dribble, messy hair and sleep talking every morning because it is honestly the highlight of my day. Your my best girl and I love you so much , also this wasn't planned but you look so beautiful right now. Priest can we hurry up so I can kiss her?"

Everyone laughed through their happy tears. The wedding came to a finish and it was time for the party.

It got to the moment where I throw my flowers to see who gets married next, but little did Nat know that all the girls had been told to let her get it - although she is extremely competitive and would of got it anyway.

I threw the flowers and Nat caught it straight away and she was shocked to see Steve get down on one knee.

"I'm always picking up after you girls-" Natashas jaw dropped.

"Natasha romanoff, I know you would of never expected this and you certainly don't need a husband to be the most independent woman I know but will you give me the pleasure in tagging along by your side and marrying me?"


And like that , we all fought crime , saved lives and annoyed the hell out of eachother for years to come. Nat and Steve had there wedding, Wanda and vision made it official after hiding it for ages and destiny is now currently being trained by Nat.Me and Bucky are going to have a baby very soon too.

I wouldn't of gone through this journey with anyone else or done it for anyone else. Only for Bucky.

Because he has taught me what love feels like.


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading this , I hope you enjoyed it and all the references I made to the film. If there is any one else you would like me to do a fan fic on then just give me a message or comment on this chapter!

I'm going to be writing another fanfic about Chris evans and another one about Loki so make sure to follow so you know when they come out!!

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