Chapter eight - leave your room

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It's been 5 days since I got angry at tony and took it out on Bucky, I haven't left my room at all. Wanda and Nat came up to see me everyday to give me things like paprikash chicken , soup and ice cream. They knew why I was upset about Tony which they probably thought I was being a little dramatic but I was more concerned about Bucky , he'd been so nice to me and I just pushed him away.

Thor even came to meet me , he apparently was a god or something and he brought pop tarts up quite a few times as he loved them. Bruce also came up to run some tests on me to see what else my powers could do but because I wasn't in the best mood, I didn't have enough energy to use my abilities properly.

Buckys POV:

I haven't left my room in five days , I felt a connection with y/n but she obviously didn't, I know it's still very early days and we have a lot to learn about eachother but when she sat on my lap and hugged me the other day, I felt happy.

Steve came to see me as much as he could , which was when he wasn't on missions so every minute he was at the tower, he was with me. Sam came up to see me too but that was just to call me Bucky bear - this obviously didn't help considering it just reminds me of y/n.

"Hey buck, wanna join us for some breakfast?" Steve worried sick about me, he offered to get me to eat or atleast sit with them everyday but I refused.

"I don't know stevey"

"I don't know is better than a no, come on we have plums"


"Yes and loads of them as well"

"Okay fine I will come"

We went down to the floor where we all eat and everyone was there , even t'challa, Peter , Clint , Thor , Scott and everyone really. Some of them didn't like me because of the civil war but we all got along better now.

Natasha came up to me with three plums in her hand.

"These are for you, where's y/n I thought she would come if you did"

"We haven't spoken"

"Oh why not"

"I don't think Tony is the only reason she's trapped herself in that room"

"I did think she was longing the situation out a bit , I'm guessing it's something to do with you?"

I didn't say anything, I just went a little red because I just thought about how we cuddled and how soft her hair was. Stop Bucky seriously she doesn't like you , I need to keep telling myself this.

"So it is then, Wanda I need you! Y/n needs a girl talk immediately"

"Okay coming"

"Nat don't tell her I said anything, we just -"

"You just are slowly starting to like her aren't you Bucky bear"

I just rolled my eyes and walked off to go get some more plums. When I sat down I was squished in the corner of the table next to Sam.

"Can you move your seat up?"


Great, Sam had to be annoying the only time I decided to have breakfast with them.

Y/n's POV:

I'm happily eating the left over pop tarts that Thor gave me until Wanda and Nat come rushing in like I was about to die or something.

"Y/n ! We need a girls talk now"

"Only if you get me paprikash chicken"

"You only get that once me and Wanda are done talking to you"

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