Chapter nineteen- altogether

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"I'm not sure james..."

"Wait what? But I thought-"

"I'm kidding! OF COURSE I WILL BUCKY BEAR!" I had never been so happy in my life.

He had no time to say anything before I pressed my lips against his, an electric feeling going through my body like it always does but this time it was different, I hadn't kissed him in a long time and I'm now his fiancé . It gave me goosebumps all over my body.

I could feel him smiling through the kiss and I don't blame him, because I was too.

"I love you so so much , this past month was so hard without you" he whispered.

"I know I know, I love you so much. Much more than 3000"

"3000 is a very good number might I add" Tony's voice startled me so much ,I jumped a little when I heard him speak. "Just kidding, congratulations to you both"

"Wait how long have you knew Tony?"

"Oh just about since the day he brought the ring, olaf over there refused to let me help him pay for it"

"Olaf?" He only knew what Elsa was because I told him but Bucky hasn't actually seen the frozen film.

"It's another character in frozen, it's a snowman which I guess is better than a ice princess"

He just hummed - well more of a grunt- in response then went back to his smiley self. Tony left the room with a smirk on his face and within seconds, He walked straight back in with every single avenger and by every single avenger , The whole room was packed with people and other species.

"How much for your gun now that you won't be needing it? (A/n he says this after endgame but in this fanfic no one dies as I just couldn't write about their deaths) rocket.

"Not for sale"

"How about the girl?" I looked up at rocket in a mad but confused way.

"I'm joking, I'm joking" he then went to go stand with groot again and mumbled to himself "bunch of jackasses"

"I am groot" groot was telling rocket off, keeping him in line.

"Fine fine I didn't mean it"
Groot nodded at this and put his arm on rockets shoulder.

"Haven't had all of us in the same place since... never mind... anyway we are having a party tonight to celebrate" Tony loved using any excuse to have a party but this time felt special, every single person had come for me and Bucky.

"I'm not carrying you all around again and taking you to bed" Steve quickly said but the more he spoke, the quieter he got because he realised even if says that, most likely it will still happen unless he gets drunk too - which is quite hard for him.

"Stevey it will be fine, just get drunk with us" Bucky wanted it to be like the old times.

"I- I don't know"

"Come on babe, it will be fun but if you don't, either way you'll still get the same treatment later" Natasha winked after she said this which lead to Steve going the brightest shade of red.

"Nat!! Did not need to hear about that!"

"Oh come on y/n, over a month ago the whole tower could hear you and Bucky." I covered my face in embarrassment as all the avengers either laughed or stood there awkwardly. "I'm just joking guys, I don't know about everyone else but if I don't start getting ready now I won't be on time to this engagement party"

And just like that, everyone left the massive room to go get ready.

I gave Bucky a quick kiss." I will see you" I kissed him again. "Later" and as I went to walk off he grabbed my arm and pulled me close again.

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