Chapter seventeen- time to talk

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Y/n's POV:
My head is pounding as I wake up and only remember a few things from last night. The only person that could fill in the blanks was Sam as he was there the whole time. I swear James and Thor were there at some point but I can't really remember.

I go down to where everyone looks happy and awake except Thor and Sam who eyes are both shutting but every time they do , they jump awake to a noise or there head hitting the table.

"Atleast I'm not the only one who feels like they are being bashed on the head" Im waiting for a response from Thor or Sam but they both just grunt.

"Steve you know how you love me?" As I say this , James looks at Steve with a 'be careful what you say next' face.

"As a uh friend yes, what's up?"

"You want to make me a coffee because I'm a little hung over"

James then loosens up and isn't so scared for what me and Steve are going to say eachother. I decide to sit down while waiting for my coffee and that's when it hits me, James is in his usual seat - the one opposite me. I must of been staring for too long because he realised that I was looking, and gave me a small smile. I gave him a half-hearted smile back, I probably looked really awkward though.

"Here you go ma'am , one coffee for you and a tea for my best girl" he gives me the coffee and gives the tea to Nat.

I down my coffee like I haven't had any drink in days and I don't think a coffee has ever tasted this good in my life. "Sam now that I've had my coffee, I'm prepared to know what happened last night as all I remember is drinking with you and Thor then bu- I mean James came to see us before I went bed"

"I didn't come to see you-"

"Once I've finished eating I will explain everything that happened" Sam interrupted James but I still heard what he said.

"Wait you didn't come to see me?"

"Nope that's not what Bucky said is it?" Sam was acting really strange.

"Umm... Uhh im just gonna stay out of this, you guys should talk about what happened last night without me involved"

"Alright come on then Sammy boy, tell me what happened before I go insane"

"Fine, let's go to my room to talk"

We went to sams room and for five minutes we were both just looking around his room , being extremely awkward.

"Okay I'm done with being awkward, what happened yesterday and why did I think I seen James, I swear he put me to bed"

"Well last night we started drinking then Thor joined"

"I remember that bit"

"Then we were running around the avengers tower, we ran into the room where everyone was watching a film , including Bucky"

"Why would I confuse James putting me to bed with seeing him watching a film"

"I don't know... maybe it was because they were watching beauty and the beast"

"Maybe. So what happened after that? I remember at one point it was just us two again"

"Do you remember anything that happened when we were together?"

"No , I just remember James putting me to bed which was probably a dream or something"

"Yh. Or something"

"Sam, you know something and your not telling me"

"Mr. Wilson , you are needed for a mission immediately with Clint, T'challa, Tony and Steve" friday had to say something just when I was about to find out what the hell happened.

"We aren't finished bird boy"

"For now , we are sweet cheeks"

Sam left and I got a random thought, would Friday have the footage from yesterday?

"Friday , show me what happened last night when it was just me and Sam"

"Are you sure you want to see this Miss y/l/n?"

"Is there a reason I shouldn't see it?"

"Mr Wilson said I shouldn't"

"Override his command, show me the footage please"


The video played and for a while it was me and Sam hanging off of the bed talking then we were dancing then we were hugging. I slightly remember dancing but I don't remember hugging or putting my head against his.

I thought that would be the end of it but then I went to kiss him. I wanted to slap myself right now.

Wait, he stopped me from kissing him which is good because Sam was right, I was drunk and upset. He tucks me into bed but I swear that was James.

And then it hits me. I didn't call him Sam, I called him Bucky.

"Friday why did I say goodnight Bucky?"

"You were highly intoxicated and from my analysis, you were imagining that Mr Barnes was there"

"Thanks Friday"

Did I really miss James that much that I imagined him? That would make sense why I tried to kiss Sam. Does that mean I wanted to kiss James?

I needed to talk to Wanda and Nat. I went to go look for them and on my way I went past James writing down in a journal.

Nat and Wanda were in the kitchen , preparing lunch for when most people are back at the tower.

"Girls I need a chat"

"Please say it's about Barnes, I can't watch this any longer" Nat was dating Steve so she probably knew all the details.

"Yes it's about him. Last night when I was drunk I imagined that Sam was him and tried to kiss Sam"

"Tried or did kiss him?"

"Tried ! And remember I thought it was James. Luckily Sam pushed me away and said no because I was drunk and sad"

"This means you want to still kiss Bucky though" Wanda tried saying this as a question but it was more of a statement.

"That's what I came to talk to you guys about , my life isn't the same without him, without Bucky"

"FINALLYYY!" Nat and Wanda said this at the same time. I just giggled.

"Okay maybe me and him should sort it out. Maybe"

"Go ahead, go talk to him right now or I'm going to drag him over here"

"No need to get aggressive Nat, I'm going now"

I run to the elevator and spam the button to where He is and yes I called him Bucky, I need to fix things with my Bucky bear.

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