Chapter five - conversations

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"Look I'm sorry to intrude , I know you must be tired after the day you've had but I just need to say something"

"No no your not intruding , what's up?"

"Today when we were exercising , you made me remember and feel like my old self. I got that feeling of um, I don't wanna say butterflies but I guess that's the only word for it but anyway I've taken an interest in you, I don't know why but we've been through similar things and your j-just beautiful"

He made my face go bright pink and feel like it was on fire. I knew what he meant , I've taken an interest in him too and I wanted to get to know him, the real James Buchanan Barnes.

"Your quite interesting too Bucky , why don't we just sit and talk? I feel like I haven't had any time to properly get to know anyone so speaking with you would be a good start"

"I would love to doll, you look cute when you go all red"

"Um uh I'm not red , I will get us a d-drink"

We sat down and started to speak . We have so much in common from our interests to our feelings and aspirations in life . We were laughing for ages until we got on the topic of how we both ended up here and why.

"So how did you end up at the avengers tower, don't tell me you got forced against your will too"

"Wellll.... kind of. Just like Steve, I was injected with serum and put into ice for 70 years. I got taken by this group called hydra and they used me whenever they needed through those 70 years . They brainwashed me and I didn't remember anything, all I knew was that I was the winter soldier and I needed to k-kill"

"Bucky it's okay, take your time, if you don't want to speak about it we don't have to"

"No! Wait I mean . Sorry I didn't mean to shout. I got told to kill people , they were probably innocent , I can't really remember but i was a very bad person. Once Steve was out of the ice ,he became my mission which failed several times and he made me start to remember my old life, the old me which you made me see again today"

"It sounds awful it really does, you deserve so much more but I'm happy your here now. If you didn't be so kind to me when I first got here I would of probably been planning another attempt to escape right now, I mean I still want to go but you've really helped me feel more ... at home"

"You really will feel at home soon , it took me ages and even now I still have my trust issues but they are all great people. Tony and Sam can be nice when they want to be but except from that , everyone is okay"

"Yes they all seem alright , but same as you I just don't trust anyone"

"We've been speaking about me for ages , I wanna hear about you . What's your story?"

"It's very confusing and long but my family wasn't very um family like. When they found out about my powers they didn't want me anymore . They were going to wait until I was 18 to kick me out but because my abilities were out of control , they kicked me out at 15 so for many years I've been on the streets or in homeless shelters. I've felt unwanted my whole life so I'm still confused why suddenly the famous avengers want me here"

"Y/n you know your not unwanted , the whole group has been waiting for months to get you here at the right time. You'd be surprised but all of us have our sad stories, we are a group of broken people who ended up finding eachother...if Steve heard me say that he would be laughing at me right now or crying at how soppy I am"

"I don't think it's soppy , but yes I'm sure Steve would find it hilarious or die from happiness that you've opened up"

As the sky got pitch black, we carried on talking until 2 in the morning. We both got so tired and ended up sleeping on the sofa while top and tailing .

We woke up to Steve walking into the room , opening all the curtains.

"Y/n have you seen buc-" I was half asleep and completely forgot Bucky was sleeping on the same sofa as me.

When I realised he situation I went to get up but fell of the sofa , dragging the blanket off of Bucky.

"Ah shit, that hurt"


"Oh um sorry, it's not what it looked like we were just um... wewerejusttalkingandfellasleepbutnothinghappened and pleasedonttellanyoneaboutthisplease"

"Calm down , I know you didn't fondue, just breathe when you speak so I can understand and I won't tell anyone don't worry"

"Woah hey stevey"

"Morning sunshine" Steve loved annoying Bucky as much as he could but he always felt bad after, especially when he seen buckys annoyed face. "Sorry buck, just didn't expect to see you in y/n's room"

"I-I didn't purposely sleep here"

"I will leave you boys to talk while I get a drink but first, what is fonduing?"

Bucky and Steve giggled together like little school boys and completely ignored the question.

"Okay that was weird , do any of you want a bottle of water?"

"No Thankyou" they said it in sync, there bromance was really adorable.

After speaking to Steve about what the day had ahead of us , I realised I haven't got any clothes again.

"Sorry to interrupt you both, I don't have any clothes again"

"Oh right , we haven't got any spare but if you promise we can trust you then Natasha and Wanda can take you shopping"

I hug Steve so tightly and smile "Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou"

I then hug Bucky.

"What was that for"

"For the chat last night"

He just smirked at me and put his hands through his brown hair.

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