Chapter sixteen - new relationship

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After getting the snacks and drinks, we met in my room again and started drinking.

"To Eleanor finally getting her ass kicked out of this place" sam said this while holding up a shot , which I returned with hitting my glass against his and downing it,ignoring the burning feeling I felt go down my throat.

"I think that we should have a few more , bird boy"

"I will if you will" he winked at me as he took another shot of vodka, then another one of tequila. Which of course I copied and took two more shots.

Thor walked in prepared to moan about the music but as soon as he seen the drinks , he came and sat down.

" I've never had this midguardian drink before, what is this lady y/n?"

"This ones vodka, and this one is tequila"

Before I could pour him a shot, he grabbed the bottle of vodka and downed the three quarters that were left.

"I like this drink!" He then smashes the bottle on the floor. "Another!"

"Woahh calm down, no need to try and copy the hulk"

"Very funny lady y/n but seriously, we  need some more of this stuff"

"Already on it" Sam ran out the door to go steal some out of Tony's stash. Once he was back , we gave up on doing shots and just started drinking out of the bottle. Between the three of us , we got through 2 bottles of vodka and 3 bottles of tequila (of course Thor drank the most because his tolerance is a lot higher than ours).

"Have you ever *does a tiny burp* oops hehe, have you ever had a feeling when you want to run but don't want to use your legs?" These were my thoughts while drunk , apparently.

"Hm I've never thought about that before but I think I have a solution" Sam then look at Thor, because he's the strongest. "Thor could run while carrying us"

"Midguardians have some strange ideas, so who's getting on my back and who am I carrying?"

"DIBS YOUR CARRYING MEEEE!" I shouted like a little kid. "Haha Sam your on his back"

"Well who's ready to run without legs?" Sam saying that just made me imagine myself floating around but I kind of liked that idea.

I jumped in Thor's arms as Sam got on his back . Before we knew it, Thor was running at full speed all around the avengers tower.

We were going down the stairs which made my voice sound weird as I was basically bouncing up and down while in thors arms. "leTs Go sEe the rEsT of tHe AveNgeRS HehEheHe"

Next minute we were in the living room where Nat , Clint , Tony, James, Steve, pietro, Wanda , vision and Peter were watching beauty and the beast because Peter made them.

When we ran in, just for a second, it's like I had a quick moment of being completely sober again. Beauty and the beast was mine and James' film, he was probably thinking the same thing as me while staring at the screen. But after that quick moment of soberness, I went straight back into a hyper mood and forgot about the film.

"Oo a new midguardian film!" Thor had never seen beauty and the beast. "Sorry but you two are on your own now, I want snugglessssss with the weakest avengers while watching a film"

"Awh your no fun, see you guys later!" I giggled as me and same ran back to my room, nearly falling over while doing so.

Sams POV:

Me when drunk is nearly the same as me when I'm sober so it may have seemed that I was drunk off my head but I wasn't ,as y/n was definitely drunk, maybe a bit too drunk.

We went back to her room and layed, hanging upside down off of her bed.

"I can't believe your single sammy boy"
Y/n probably, most definitely meant this in a friendly way but over these few months , I started to like her. I know her heart will always be for Bucky and when they were together, Bucky made her the most happiest girl in the world so I will always want that for y/n. Although, a small part of me wishes it was me but we are bestfriends , and for me that will and always will be enough .

"You know I have high standards, I am  caps sexiest friend after all"

"I know , I still remember the first time we met and you told me that"

"Oh yeah , it's still true to this day though"
She just giggled and sat up.

"The blood is getting to my head, sit up with me Sam" I sat up and y/n was now holding a hair brush in her hand.

"This is one of my favourite songs come on!"

"But it's sad!"

"That is good because we can dance slowly to it"

As the song started to play, we pretended that the hairbrush was a microphone and danced to the music.

(Jealous by Labrinth)
And I always thought you'd come back , tell me
All you found was heartbreak and misery
It's hard for me to say
But I'm jealous of the way
Your happy without ... me.

By the time the song was finished we were hugging until she looked at me. She was staring into my eyes. Y/n leant her forehead against mine and her lips were so close to mine. If it wasn't for me looking back into her eyes instead of her lips, I wouldn't of realised she was now balling her eyes out.

"I feel so alone sam" her voice cracked while saying this, she was in a state.

"You know your not alone, everyone loves you"

"Bucky doesn't" for the first time in a while, she didn't call him James.

"Yes he does, more than anyone"

She leant closer and tried to kiss me, but this wasn't her . This was the alcohol and the broken hearted side of her acting.

All I wanted to do was kiss her but I know she doesn't feel that way towards me and as I said, being bestfriends is enough for me.

"Y/n... stop. Your drunk and you just miss Bucky. You need to go to bed"

"I'm so sorry, b- I mean uh Sam . I'm going to go night night"

I tucked her into bed. And as I did she says "Goodnight Bucky"

I wasn't Bucky . No wonder she tried to kiss me, she was so drunk that she was seeing him.

I waited five minutes for her to go sleep then left to go to bed as I was shattered. My last thoughts before falling asleep is what am I going to say to y/n in the morning? Will she even remember that she was seeing things? Will she finally admit to herself that she needs Bucky in her life?

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