Chapter three - forced to stay

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I woke up to absolute silence which was weird considering I wake up on the streets normally to cars, people and all sorts. At first I forgot where I was and started to panic but when I came to the realisation I'm in the avengers tower, I calmed down. I didn't know what to do or where to go , well I can't actually go anywhere because the door is locked but do I just sit and wait for Tony or someone to come get me?

After 10 minutes of staring at the plain white room , I think his name was vision came through the wall.

"There's a door you know"

"Yes miss y/n but I'm not a fan of them, I also do not have the key. Mr Stark sent me up to ask if you would like to join us for breakfast?"

"No thankyou, I don't want to be stared at like yesterday"

"Unfortunately you do not have a choice as you need to eat so you are ready for your training which will st-"

"Training? I don't even understand why you all want me!"

"It will all make sense soon, now please follow me"

"But you don't have a key and I can't go invisible"

"Oh yes , I will go get it now"


I sat there for another 10 minutes just waiting for vision to come back but when someone unlocked the door and walked in, it definitely was not the red guy.

"Y/n you ready for breakfast?"

"Answer me first, who the heck are you?"

"I haven't been spoke about yet? Tony really is stubborn"

"He mentioned some other people that live here but your going to need to be more specific"

"I'm Sam, also known as the amazing falcon, caps sexiest friend"

"right uh okay, let's go then"

"Oh yes right , follow me then sweet cheeks"

"Do not call me that"

"It's a joke , come on then "

He slapped his face with his hand in a way he knew that I wasn't in the mood for any jokes. He had this flirty look in his eyes that I was scared at any moment he would slap my ass or he would call me one of them stupid 'nick names' again.

We walked to the lift and Sam took me to a floor where apparently they eat food.

When I walk in everyone is there that I met yesterday, including one other person who I didn't know.

"Morning y/n, sleep well?" Nat asks while everyone stares at me , waiting for an answer.

"I slept okay Thankyou, who's the new guy" I point at someone wearing a blue skin tight suit, he had bright blonde hair.

"This is pietro, Wanda's brother , we mentioned him yesterday but only briefly"

Before I had a chance to say anything else , someone sped past me and suddenly I had a plate of pancakes in my hand with bananas and syrup on.

"You didn't see that coming" pietro obviously had the power of speed.

"Um no I did not, Thankyou for the pancakes though"

Everyone in the room laughed, I didn't know why but maybe I just said something funny without realising (let's pretend pietro didn't die, he deserves more credit)

Everyone sat down so I guessed I needed to aswell, but I didn't exactly want to. I sat at the end of the table , with Bucky at the other end. On my left was wanda, Nat and Steve and on my right was pietro, tony and Sam.

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