Chapter twenty - not without you

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Waking up to a raccoon and groot in your face , poking you, while you and your fiancé are naked on a roof is definitely not what you ever expected to happen to you.

"I am groot" he says as he pokes me.

"Go then! I want to scare these jackasses" I heard rocket say as I start to stir.

"AHHHHHHHH" Bucky screamed with rocket in his face which made rocket scream as well "AHHHH WATCH IT METAL ARM"

The shouting woke me up completely and my natural reflex made me pick up the blanket we had and cover my body , when I realised I had revealed a bit too much of Bucky, I put the blanket over him too.

"I see you both were hot and heavy last night huh?" How did he know what that even meant.

"Groot ! Rocket! Go downstairs please as I don't appreciate two guardians of the galaxy looking at me while I'm flipping naked!" Even Bucky giggled a little at me as they left.

"Sooo... you carry me so I can wrap the blanket round both of us. You have to run though because if anyone catches us then we will never hear the end of it"

"Alright doll, let's go get some clothes on"

And like that, he carried out our little plan and we had just about made it to my room before Steve caught us, coughing uncomfortably.

"It's not what it looks like...uh...rocket and groot stole our clothes..." this was true but we knew he would question how the clothes were off in the first place.

"Hmm. Buck, how did the clothes get off in the first place then?"

"Uh um.."

"I'm joking, I'm glad your happy. This reminds of the first time you were here y/n when you snuck into buckys room to get some clean clothes" I laughed , but it was more like a chatter because I was now freezing.

"Sorry stevey, my best girl needs to get some clothes on"

"Stop stealing my phrases! But only because I feel bad for your 'best girl' that I will let you go get some clothes"

"Thanks Steve, please could you tell Nat that I will come see her soon"

"Of course y/n"

We went to get some clothes on and joined the avengers in the kitchen , but honestly they weren't really like avengers, they were more like walking zombies.

"Morning y/n!" Peter was all awake because he obviously didn't drink, Tony may have been drunk out of his head but even then he still took good care of Peter.

"Morning pete, are you the chef this morning?"

"Mr.stark said I shouldn't as I'm too young but im quite good at cooking! Well better than my aunt may atleast"

"I will help, I didn't drink too much yesterday so I don't feel too bad"

"Okay what do I do master chef?" Peter was so cute, he made me chuckle with his funny nick names.

"You make the scrambled egg and get the fruit out while I make the pancakes and bacon"

He started getting the fruit and got to the plums. "Ugh plums, I really don't like them haha"

Bucky gave Peter a death stare. "But uh-um I will still put them out because other people like them and because uh I-"

"Bucky bear stop scaring him! Peter it's okay if you don't like plums, they are just his favourite and he's just messing with you"

"Oh right um okay, sorry though Mr.Barnes"

The day went on and only half of the avengers started to look a bit more awake. Most of the girls had mascara down there face or half there makeup on while the boys all had really messy hair and tired eyes.

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