Chapter nine - confusion

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Y/n's POV:
I went back up to my room where Nat and Wanda were waiting for me, I wiped my tears and made myself look happy because if they knew , which they will probably know anyway, they would want me to talk about it which is what I would like to avoid right now.

I walked into the room and smiled at them , they were smiling loads until they looked in my direction . They could see right through my emotions.

"What's up y/n/n (nickname)" Nat said while looking very confused.

"Nothing , we sorted it , we are friends now"

"Friends?" Wanda also now had that same confused look now.


"Just friends?"

"Yep why would it be any different?"

"Oh nothing , I'm glad you've got your Bucky bear back as a friend"

"Why do you keep talking like that, both of you?"

"Talking like what" they both said at the same time.

"Never mind"

After a while, Wanda finally went and got the left overs from her chicken out of the fridge and brought it back up for us all to eat. We all decided that talking about Bucky was not what I wanted right now so we just spoke about normal girly things and was trying on all our clothes from the other day.

We were basically doing a fashion show because we all strutted around but it lead to doing impressions of the other avengers which was hilarious.

"Okay okay guess who I am, oh lady please give me the pleasure of you sharing my pop tarts with me" Nat was standing up , pretending to hold a hammer while doing this.

"THOR!! Hahaha I'm winning , nat always wins but not this time, y/n your next"

"Hmmm.... okay I've got one" I stood up all tall and tried to stick out my muscles as big as I can, "get hurt , hurt me back, get killed, walk it off" I said this in a majorly deep voice which made them both giggle.

"That's my cap, I mean obviously that's Steve" Natasha really did slip up this time.

"Your cap?! Omg you finally admitted it!! You have a thing for Rogers!!!"

She didn't even say anything , her cheek flustered up and she put her head in her hands. "Ughh maybe"

Me and Wanda squealed so loud that Steve and Tony came straight up to us as they thought something was wrong. When they walked in me and Wanda were jumping around everywhere while Nat was sitting down , hiding her smile with her hands.

"Ladies? Are you okay?" Steve was so concerned , especially for Natasha which was so cute.

"We are perfectly fine , but Nat will be now that your here" we giggled like little girls and started to walk out the room , dragging Tony with us. "We will leave you guys for a whileeee"

We went downstairs , caught tony up to speed so he wasn't just being dragged with a very confused face.

"Ohhhh Nat finally admitted it then?"

"Yes Tony!! What do you think we've been screaming about?" Wanda was speaking to Tony but just a minute ago I realised I was still supposed to be mad at him.

"Hey um Tony, last night I had an outburst of my powers so I understand what you mean now. I'm sorry for ignoring you for five days"

"No no it's okay y/n, I was a little harsh, I just feel the need to protect you"

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