Chapter four - training

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I started off with Bucky so I was prepared for everyone else but as soon as we started, it made me wish that I went with Steve first as he would be a little kinder on me - I think.

Bucky made me do every exercise you can think of . It came to when we were about to do sit ups but I collapsed while getting in position.

"I .. don't think ... I can go ... any... longer" I had to take small breaths before saying any word.

"We aren't done yet doll , take five minutes break then we are straight back to the sit ups"

"Only five minutes?" I gave him major puppy dog eyes hoping it would make him feel bad and give me ten minutes instead but that definitely did not work.

"Only five minutes" he says with a straight face, not even phased by my puppy dog eyes.

I grab some water and sit on a bench , slowly catching my breath.

Buckys POV:

My eyes didn't move off of her as she got her water and sat down. I didn't stare her for the whole five minutes as that would just be creepy but I looked at her every now and then , making sure she hadn't tried to run off again.

The five minutes past and she was still slightly out of breath but Steve did say to push her to her limits.

"30 sit ups then let's go"

"30?! Are you serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I say this while trying to be as serious as I could but the disappointment on her cute , I mean um on her face made me smirk a little.

"Come on, I will sit infront of you and hold your feet down so it's slightly easier"

"Okay okay fine"

She got in position and I held her feet down so the sit ups were easier to do. Every time she did a sit up, her face came very close to mine. I couldn't tell if it was awkward or intense or romantic but either way it was slightly strange.


"I can't do any more Bucky please let me stop"

"Nope" I wink at her and she just rolls her eyes at me.
Why am I being so weird with her?  The energy got too much to handle so I told her to take another five minute break. Steve noticed how I was unsettled and came over to talk to me.

"You alright buck?"

"Yes I um, I'm acting a bit strange with y/n and I don't know why"

"I think you like her , you did used to be a ladies man you know"

"Not anymore, not after h-hydra"

"Just see how it goes, it's probably quite tense since she doesn't want to be here and she did borrow your clothes yesterday sooo"

I was shocked when he said that, I wasn't looking in his direction before but this made me turn my head straight to him. "How did you know about that?"

"Well Bucky I see you sneak her into your room and then the next morning she's in your clothes which I could tell were yours from a mile away. Did you... fondue?"


"Yhh you know what that means ..right?"

"Wait you mean?! Oh no! No we did not!"
I said that a bit too loud, y/n looked in my direction with a very confused look on her face.

"Oh okay , I'm going to go speak to Tony so I will see you in a bit ,Just let me know when it's my turn to train y/n . Don't do anything stupid till I get back"

"How can I? Your taking all the stupid with you"

"Bye jerk"

He left to go see Tony and i realised I now had to talk to y/n without it being awkward but I guess it can't be that bad, Steve is a lot worse with ladies than me.

Y/n's POV:
I finished my training with Bucky which made me realise this was going to be a lot more difficult than I expected. If Bucky was hard on me , then everyone else was gonna be a lot harder.

Next I went to Natasha, she started teaching me how to fight without my powers .

Let's just say , i got thrown, kicked or hit to the floor around 107 times altogether but eventually I started to slowly get it. I learnt the way she fought and learnt her techniques and used that to my advantage - for the first time since we started, I knocked her to the ground. Everyone who was in the room (Bucky, Wanda and Sam) turned to us with a shocked look on there face.

"Good work y/n, but don't get distracted" she says this as she attempts to knock me off my feet but I expected this , jumped over her leg and got her to the ground instead.

"Wow you improve quickly , it's been two hours so us two are done but go kick America's ass"

"I will do my best"

Bucky went to go get Steve and he walked in with the same shocked face as everyone else after Bucky told him what I did - obviously not many people have beat Natasha or they all wouldn't be so impressed.

"Ready to learn how to block y/n"

"Apparently so"

Me and Steve have one hour of him teaching me how to dodge and block in combat which makes me really tired but we still have another hour to go. We start to fight but he keeps attacking and I keep blocking , which isn't as fun because I would love to fight super soldier Steve properly but he said I'm not ready for that, especially since I'm tired.

After Steve I go to Wanda, luckily using my powers didn't take up too much of my energy and we wouldn't actually be fighting , I would just be learning from her . For a while she was showing me hers and how she learnt to control her abilities but obviously ours were slightly different so it might be harder to control them.

"So what can you do anyway?" Wanda was really sweet and seemed interested in what I had to say.

"Well i can control the four elements , I only know the basics with each one but I'm sure there's a lot I can do but I just don't know it yet"

"Let's see what you can do with air first"

I started to make a small tornado with my finger, it slowly gets bigger but I can't control it right now so all the equipment is the room starts to spin and hit us.

Luckily Wanda is extremely strong and can turn my tornado back into a small one which helps me stop it.

"I can also use the air to move things but for now I don't think that the best idea to try"

"I agree, let's see what else you got"

I showed her all my powers from building stone walls, creating anything with water , using ice, making trees grow (like groots power) and doing all sorts with plants and fire.

She helped me train them for a while but we both knew it would take weeks to get them fully under my control as I could only handle small uses of my abilities except from building a wall since I've been doing that when I was young.

After a very very long day I got a shwarma but took it to my room to eat as I was too tired to make conversation with any one right now.

I walk into my room to see someone sitting on my sofa.


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