Chapter thirteen - new assistant

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Waking up to Bucky smiling at you with his messy bed hair and tired eyes was the most handsome thing you've ever seen in your life.

"You coming for breakfast?" I ask while getting out of bed with no clothes on.

"You've got um a little something" he points out all the love bites down my body,  but on my neck the marks are ten times worse. Bucky was giggling like crazy to himself.

I threw a pillow at him. "Bucky!! This is so embarrassing, they will know what we did last night!"

"Then let them know, I'm sure they will fade eventually"

I shoved one of buckys shirts on with a pair of joggers so I could get some food, I needed it especially after last nights events.

When I walk downstairs all the avengers were there, great.

"Morning y/n, how did you sl-" Steve just stopped talking , he looked at my neck then at me then at Bucky then back at me. "Um I meant uh, how did you sleep?"

"We didn't get much sleep last night" Bucky half whispered into Steve's ear while patting him on the shoulder with a very proud look on his face.

"I slept okay Thankyou Steve"

"Um yeh, anyways..."

"What's for breakfast anyway, it smells delicious" I just stopped Steve from trying to think of something to say other than what the hell did you and Bucky do to eachother last night.

We sat down and started to eat, Tony came down and we all knew he was about to say something that would embarrass the hell out of me.

"Woahh Elsa decided to take a page out of my book! I thought me and pepper were bad but wow, I'm quite impressed"

Bucky didn't take this as a compliment as he doesn't want to be like the Tony stark.

"I wasn't doing it just for fonduing. It meant a lot more" Bucky always found a way to make me blush , as Wanda said- he really is a softie, my softie.

"Trust me I know, you haven't been the one watching you both trying to resist each other for the past god knows how many weeks"

"Okay that's enough talk about me and Bucky for today. Thankyou for the breakfast it was amazing" as I started to walk out Bucky followed me and said bye to Steve. "That's my cue, see you in a bit stevey"

We went upstairs and Bucky was reading to me, it was so calm until this random lady walked in with a piece of paper.

"Mr Barnes... there's a letter for you from nick fury, most of the others also got one aswell"

"Thanks, who are you?"

"I'm Eleanor, pepper hired me to do some work for Mr stark so that he can get some sleep"

"Oh right okay" as she passed him the letter she put her other hand on his shoulder and rubbed it. I'm literally hugging Bucky right now and you still choose to do that? Wow. Wait no stop , the jealous girlfriend side is just coming through a little bit.

"Nice meeting you Mr Barnes"

The smirk on this Eleanor's face was massive, I could of used the skills I learned from Nat any moment on her.She finally left after staring at Bucky for what felt like hours.

"I know I left marks all down your abs but maybe I should of made them more noticeable so girls like Eleanor don't think your single"

"Doll, are you getting jealous?"

"No!" He gave me that 'seriously' look. "Maybe...I don't know... yes"

"Thought so, you have nothing to worry about. I'm all yours"

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