Chapter fifteen - no change

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It's the next morning after speaking to Sam in the gym. I decided that again, I would go down for breakfast.

As I walk into the room where everyone is sitting I notice that Eleanor is still here, I was really hoping she would of gone by now.

"Hey y/n? I was wondering if we could talk and sort things out?" How dare she. Eleanor you literally kissed my boyfriend then got with my boyfriend.

"Your fucking joking right?" This made James look straight up at me, I don't know why but maybe he thought I was about to give some massive speech and confess that I still love him - which I do of course, but he doesn't need to know that.

"I'm being serious, let's talk in the hall way" as she walked , I followed. Of course she took me into the same hallway that she kissed James a month ago.

"Listen here, I really don't want to sort things out with you but I need to look good for buckys sake. Me and him have started to build a connection since you were out of the picture" I should of knew it was an act, I mean I wouldn't of forgiven her anyway but it would of been nice for her to beg for my forgiveness.

"That's weird because I got told that he told you to leave him alone. But that's none of my business anymore so no I will not sort it out with you just to make you look good"


Before she could even let another word out, I walked back to where my food awaits me.

"How did that go?" Wanda knew it didn't go well, but she was kind to ask.

"She just wanted to look good for James, Eleanor isn't really the type of person I want around me anyway" James looked extremely upset when I didn't say his usual name but what does he expect?

"Did you just call me J-James?"

"That is your name isn't it?"

"Uh um yes I guess"

Eleanor then walked in , I have no idea what she was doing in her hallway this whole time. She went over to James and kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodbye babe, I'm going to meet some friends"

"I'm not your babe. Leave and don't come back Eleanor. Get out before you ruin anything else"


"I normally don't agree with Elsa over here but get out, your fired" tony finally fired her, it was one of the best days of my life.

She was just staring in shock until Nat went over and pushed her out the door.

"You couldn't of done that earlier?" James says this while Nat has the biggest smirk on her face.

"I'm sorry barnes but you needed to grow some balls and say something to her"

"I guess so"

I was done with breakfast and had nothing else to say so I walked away to go get ready for the day of training.

"Wait y/n!"

"Yes James"

"Can we sort this please doll?"

"It's weird because for the past month, it seems that Eleanor has been your doll"

"It's not like that, I never wanted to kiss her , I never called her doll,I never wanted any of this . I love you so much"

"I know you do and this is why it hurts so much. I think we just both need some time and if it really is meant to be then we'll end up together again"

"But I don't want time, I just want to be with you"

"I normally would of given up by now so this is new to me, fighting for what I love. I would only do this for you Bucky, only for you" I started to walk away but then realised it's not fair just to leave without telling the other avengers what I'm doing. "I'm going to go get ready to do some training, Don't worry I won't lock myself up again" I laughed at what I said but no one found it funny as they were probably so worried about me these past couple of weeks.

I start walking to my room and I see a blue thing speed by me - Pietro is back from a mission. When I got to my door he was standing there, leaning against the wall.

"I'm here to make sure you don't lock yourself up again princessa"

"Nothing will get better if I do that again, I will be fine"

"Wanda and Natashas orders , sorry"

"Fine , fine just wait outside the as I'm going to have a shower"

"Of course"

I got in the shower , it was lovely to wash away the stress and upset of yesterday and this morning. While in there I listened to y/f/s (favourite song).

Once I dried off , got changed into my training wear and let my hair dry naturally, I walked back out to see pietro still waiting.

" you should of been a singer instead of an avenger"

"Being an avenger wasn't a choice though was it? You all picked me up off the streets which I'm grateful for but I also didn't choose to have powers, I was just unlucky"

"You wasn't unlucky, your powers lead to you having us as a family"

"That's true, to finish the family off we just need a pet"

"You can talk to the others about that but don't expect a yes"

As the conversation ended, Sam walked up to us.

"Sweet cheeks" he nodded at me with a smile. " quick silver" then nodded at pietro.

"Hey bird boy" and yes I finally thought of a nick name for him.

"Bird boy is way worse than sweet cheeks!!

"I think this is my cue to leave before I get caught up in your weekly debates"

"Bye pietro" me and Sam said in sync. And with that, he disappeared quick enough that you would miss it if you blinked.

Sam put his arm around me and I lent my head on his shoulder. "Y/n, I think we both need a drink"

"Yes we do, I will get snacks and you get the alcohol"

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