Chapter ten - all fixed

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It's been two weeks since the "washing up" incident. For the first week we just didn't speak but now when we see eachother we just say hello and how are you but it's still awkward.

Today I'm deciding that I'm fixing this , I miss how close we were and if being just friends means having him back then I will push my feelings away. I still don't even know him aswell as I could so I'm gonna do that, then you never know maybe in the future we will be more than friends.

I got to his door again but this time I didn't wait five minutes , I didn't wait to knock, I didn't even knock, I just walked straight in. Big mistake. I walk in to Bucky just in his boxers, I turned straight around .

"Oh no I'm so sorry, I'm turning away don't worry but please get some clothes on" he shoved some jeans on but decided to keep his top off, probably on purpose so I could see his six pack.

"Why did you just walk in y/n?"

"I was trying to be confident but I guess that's not my forte"

"No I think it suits you, storming in here and all but what did you want doll?"

"I'm fed up of us not being okay, can we please just sort this out. All feelings aside I want to be friends"

"Really? Me too" he had the biggest, cutest smile on his face. "Can I have that hug you owe me now?"

"Uhhh nope" I started to walk out as a joke but then Bucky started to chase me . We ran all through the avengers tower but of course he got me , he's a super soldier. He grabbed me from the back with his hands around my waist and put his head between my neck and shoulder.

I started squealing "James Buchanan Barnes get off me right now"

"No way y/n y/l/n, you need to give me that hug first"

"Fine fine come here"

We had the most biggest hug which lasted a while and as the hug came to an end , I realised all the avengers heard me squealing and had come to watch the show.

"Nice to see you two are speaking again" Steve looked so so happy ,  all of the avengers started to laugh because they were all in relief , me and Bucky hadn't been ourselves since we stopped speaking.

"The shows over now guys let's go home"

"Shut up Sam , we are enjoying the moment" Nat said this while having a smug look on her face.

I felt a little weird with everyone staring at me and Bucky so I had to say something. "Okay really though you guys can go now, we were just messing about"

Everyone started to go back to what they were doing , some ended up leaving for a mission so me and Bucky decided to go get ice cream.

"So what flavour are you going to get?"

"If plum ice cream was a thing I would get that but it isn't so I will have chocolate what about you?"

"Salted caramel and cookie dough, mixed together please"

"Here you go, can I just say you two are such a lovely couple" this waiter has seen us come here before.

"Oh we aren't a-"

"Thankyou" why did Bucky just agree to it ??

We took our ice cream and sat on a bridge to watch over the boats in the water.

"Y/n can I try some of yours please?"

I put a bit on my spoon and began to pretend to feed it to him but as it got close to him, I rubbed it all over his face.

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