Chapter twelve - nothing happened

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Buckys POV:

"Okayy...have you ever been in love?" I wanted her to say yes, yes I love you Bucky Barnes because I realised that us being just friends isn't enough for me.

"Do you actually want me to answer that or are you just saying it?"

"I want you to answer it"

"Well not in the past  no, when I was on the streets no one wanted me and to be honest I didn't want anyone either"  that wasn't my name , that was the complete opposite to my name. I can't tell her I'm falling for her now or it will be extremely awkward.

"Oh okay"

"What about you Bucky bear?"

"Yes I have...she um was, is the love of my life" I'm talking about you y/n , but I've made it sound like it's someone else but it's you and has been since the day you froze my arm to stop it from getting close to your face.

"Oh.okay. Anyway I have something to say that's also from a movie scene" she sounded upset, maybe she wanted me to admit my feelings to her. "The stars look beautiful tonight"

"Yes they really do"

We sat there in a comfortable silence until I had the urge to kiss her so I turned my head towards her and we were about to kiss, we were going to finally have our moment. Until she pulled back, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry I can't do this, you already have the love of your life and I would be foolish to make you mine" as she ran off her powers were out of control, she nearly sent whole building on fire.

"Wait....y/n" if she had just stayed one minute longer , she would know that it was her.

After waiting a couple of seconds to take in what just happened, I ran after her but I was too late , she was in the lift.

"Friday bring her back up please"

"I cannot do that Mr Barnes as she is in tears, I have already alerted Wanda and Natasha of her upset so they will be in her room with her shortly"

"Okay, can I see her through the cameras"


Friday makes a virtual screen appear and I can see y/n sitting on her sofa , tapping her face with a tissue so she doesn't smudge her makeup. Nat and Wanda run in and she instantly puts on a brave face , it's like she wasn't even crying just a second ago.

The night came to an end when I got told by Friday that most of the avengers were being carried to bed by Steve as he was the only sober one. I hadn't heard anything from Nat , Wanda or y/n so I assumed they were probably having a girls night because I made her upset but when it came to morning , it was nothing like that at all.

I walked into the dining room/kitchen to all the avengers drinking many ,many cups of coffee and eating pancakes which were made by y/n, I expected a sad look or her ignoring me but she didn't.

"Morning Barnes"

"Uhh good morning?" I thought she was mad? Or at least upset unless she only ran away because she didn't wanna kiss me.

"How did you sleep?"

"Not that good really, you?"

"Good Thankyou" y/n never slept good so I knew she was lying. Her long hair has small waves in from the bun it was in last night and she looked effortlessly beautiful. "want some pancakes or coffee?"

"Can I have whatever's left of the plum crumble please?"

"Yes give me one sec I need to go get it as I left it in your room"

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