Chapter seven - a bad day

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Me and Bucky ended up sitting and talking for a while until Fridays alarm system started going off.

"Miss y/l/n and Mr Barnes , Steve Rogers and Bruce Banner were hurt and are now rushed into intensive care. Mr stark asked me to lock the doors so you cannot get in the way of the recovering as you will have heightened emotions if you see Steve's physical state. You do not yet know Bruce banner but he is the hulk. Please remain calm and I will keep you updated"

*flash back*
"Unfortunately Mr and Mrs Y/l/n we haven't found any physical issues wrong with her. The best thing I can advise is to put her somewhere that is isolated and lock all the doors"

"Surely we can't keep her there forever? She will never recover from this illness if we do that"

"I don't know what else you want me to suggest Mrs y/l/n , we have never seen anything like this before but please remain calm and I will keep you updated if we find anything new"

"We are planning to kick her out at 18 so the isolated room will have to be the solution until then , do you agree doctor?"

"I have no opinion in this unfortunately until I do some more research but good luck with y/n , I hope you find a way to cope with this"

"Thankyou doctor, come on y/n let's go"
"Come on y/n"
*flashback over*


I jumped out of my skin after seeing a memory I wish I hadn't.

"Y/n are you okay? You just froze for a minute and im also panicking so I need you to stay with me"

"Um I'm here sorry I just was thinking , all we can do is sit and wait for Friday to update us on them"

"I should of went on the mission , if hydra got me instead then Steve wouldn't of got hurt , atleast not for a while and not as bad"

"Don't think like that Bucky, he will be okay . Steve's in very good hands I'm sure . I don't know much about Tony but I do know his technology is amazing"

"Yes but-"

"But he's also a super soldier who heals quicker than other people, remember he can't leave you now , he's with you till the end of the line"

"H-how did you know about that?"

"Wanda read your mind and told me, she said it helped you remember Steve a while back so I know it must have some importance to you"

"I don't know whether to be happy or mad that she read my mind and found that out but yes it means a lot "

"See, Nat told me that Steve started a whole civil war to protect you so I think he would fight this injury just to ask you if your okay"

"That's sounds like Steve , Thankyou y/n"

"Your welcome. Friday if I use my powers to break the lock on the door will it work?"

"No , your door is made of vibranium as Mr stark knew that you would try that"

"What's vibranium?"

"An extremely strong material that is from wakanda . T'challa gave some to Tony"

"Oh okay" I agreed because I didn't want to talk about it anymore even if I still had no clue who t'challa is..

"Y/n I'm really worried about Steve" Bucky really did look scared, Steve was basically his brother.

"Let's sit on the sofa and listen to some music, it might take your mind off of things"

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