Chapter one - how we met

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As I sit on the cold stone floor I shiver , wishing people weren't around so I could make my self a warm fire, I try to go sleep for the night. The blistering air reminds me of home, a home that was full of painful memories.

*flash back*
"Y/n what are you doing you could burn our house down! Do you want to give us another reason to be mad at you"

"I'm sorry ma, I can't control it right now but I'm trying. You know I don't mean to make you mad"

"Yes you do now get to bed and just so you know, if you use your powers again then you really won't like the consequences"

"Okay but I can't help i-"

"Are you about to answer back?"

"No no I'm sorry"

"Now go sleep"

"Goodnight I love you"

"Don't be so soppy"

"Oh.. I won't next time"

She just grunts before walking out my "room" which was more like a really small garage or basement. The stone floor hit my skin , causing my whole body to shiver from how cold it was especially with just a thin blanket. I knew this wasn't how you should get treated by your family but I was different, an abomination to the world so they had good reasoning .

*flashback over*

"That witch, maybe it's better I'm on the streets" I mumble to myself as I slowly close my eyes .

"Destiny! I wanted to be tiana"

"Well so did I , we can both be! Bestfriends can share"

"Yes they can"

"now why do you want to chose her anyway Y/n/n"

"Well she's happy by herself but then a handsome Prince makes her even more happier so either way she's still okay"

"I just want to be her so I know what it's like to be turned into a frog"

We laugh historically before she starts to shout at me. Destiny was my bestfriend so why would she start shouting ?

"Wake up y/n , your in the way"

"What do you mean I'm in the way?"

"Wake up!"

"Wake up for god sake, homeless people these days thinking all spaces are theirs"

"I'm so sorry I didn't realise this building was in use so I sat by the door, I was having a dre-"

"I really couldn't care, just move please"

"Oh um yes I will"

Having dreams that are really just flashbacks are terrifying , especially when they mix up with real life. Destiny was my childhood friend, I hadn't seen her for years after my parents forbid me to play with her after they found out about my powers.

I had overslept , it was midday and many people were walking by, some giving me money, some giving me food and then there was the rude people that just gave me a 'your disgusting' kind of look.

Where I was sitting had hundreds of people walking past so it was probably good I moved into the alley way, it was more secluded and I could use my abilities more often.

My abilities, the ones that ruined and also saved my life. Id never met anyone like me before so I always felt quite unique - but your going to feel that way when you can control the four elements : air, water, fire and earth. I only rarely used air and earth but I knew they were always there if need be.

Most of the day I just sat , people watching , and thanking the kind people that would offer me anything they had. Every so often I would use my powers but I had to stop whenever anyone walked past . But who knew a very important person would catch me and think I'm of good use?

Tony Stark. Tony Stark was leaning against the wall next to me with a very satisfied look on his face.

"You could put them powers to use you know?"

"Oh shit! You scared me and uh what? What are you um talking about um what powers?"

"No need to lie Mrs ...?"


"Well Mrs y/l/n , I know many others similar to you who would love to meet you"

"Uh no Thankyou mr stark, I um still don't know what your talking about uh I'm just a useless person , no one would find interest in uh me"

"Your very wrong about that"

"I'm not coming with you"

"I love your stubbornness but fortunately for me, you don't have a choice"

A man with longish brown hair and a metal arm came over and grabbed me.

"Get off of me you , you uh"

I couldn't even think of a word for him before he hit me and knocked me out - he didn't even hit hard, it's just my physical strength is not very all.

"I'm sorry doll, I would never want to hit a woman but you need to come with us and with that mouth of yours , I just knew you wouldn't shut up"

"You know Elsa, you don't have to speak to her, she can't hear you for heavens sake"

"I was just trying to be nice iron.... wannabe.. man"

"Nice try , now let's get her to the avengers tower before anyone sees us"

"Uhh yeh, good idea"

Bucky holds me bridal style and takes me to the avengers tower but I obviously don't know this since I'm unconscious.

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