Chapter two - taken by the avengers

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I wake up to my head pounding. My vision was blurry but as it started to focus I see a few people standing around me. I didn't even think about who it was, I just went to go run away which made me realise I was tied to a chair, barely being able to move my fingers.

The figures around me all had a smug look on their face as they seen I tried to escape but couldn't ... yet.

There was a man in blue red and white - captain America , with the guy that kidnapped me next to him. Next to them was a very pretty ginger haired woman who looked like the most independent lady in the world and with her was a girl wearing red with brown hair and a guy who was actually red and wearing a cape. Then there was tony stark, he looked so impressed with himself , oh how I would smack that look off of his face if I could.

"Morning sweetie pie" tony laughed at his own sarcasm. "This is Steve , Bucky , Natasha, wanda and vision"

I just stare blankly at all of them , as you can tell I'm not very amused.

"There's many more of us , soon you'll meet Sam, Thor, Peter,Bruce, T'challa, rhodey, Scott, pietro and if your lucky, Clint, he's not around very often"

"Sorry about the way this happened, I know we all seem pretty intimidating but soon, hopefully you'll come to class us as your friends y/n" captain America was the kindest out of all of them.

"I doubt it"

"And she speaks, call me Nat. We needed more girls around here so your welcome with me and Wanda any time"

"I won't be staying um long but uh Thankyou"

"You might want to re consider , you'll be here a while"

"She's right , we never agree on anything but you will be here awhile" tony always had to make a comment , some girls would like his confidence but I just found him like an annoying uncle if you get what I mean.

"Getting me out these um whatever these metal things are might be a good start"

"They are like handcuffs but stop you from using all your abilities and not yet, not until we've left and locked the doors"

"Your keeping me prisoner ? Tony you can't do that"

"It's better than the streets though right"

"Atleast on the streets I wasn't kept against my own will with a group of super humans all looking at me"

"I don't think that's too bad , we will all leave you now y/n , sorry about the way tony put it but I promise you we are just trying to help"

"Thanks captain , can you atleast untie me now"

He doesn't do it, Steve just laughed and looked to his friend who I think was called Bucky. I start trying to free myself and Bucky walks towards me with an amused look on his face, just like everyone else.

"Need help with that doll?" He says this while going to rub my cheek with his hand but before he could I somehow use my water powers to create ice, freeze his hand and then head butt him. Obviously these handcuffs need improving.

He stumbled back while breaking the ice with his metal arm. "Feisty, I like that but seriously I was just trying to help"

"Don't touch me"

"Well I know for next time"

Everyone walked out after Wanda finally let me out of my handcuffs and apologised for all the hassle. Bucky was last through the door so before he could leave I used my earth powers to make stone wall appear and block him from leaving.

"What the-"

"Sorry I was just trying to help 'doll'" mimicking him made me feel quite proud.

"Don't act like you don't like the nickname , why did you uhh build a wall?"

"Honestly I don't really know, why did you bring me here? Your the one who knocked me out"

"I'm sorry about that" he looked down, quite disappointed in himself "look we really do need you, a lot is going on in the world and you would be a great asset to the team"


"Yes, the avengers"

"Oh okay, I knew about Tony but not anyone else being a super hero"

He scratched the back of his neck , he looked embarrassed.

"Sorry did I say something wrong?" Why was I worried what I said to this random guy anyway.

"No no, I'm just glad that you haven't heard about me until now but the old me wasn't really me, but that's a story for another time"

"Oh okay"

"Can I um go now?"

"Sorry, yes" I use my abilities to get rid of the wall I had built, but before he walked out I needed to ask something . "Wait.. um Bucky?"

"Yes doll?"

"I know this is so bad but I've been wearing these clothes for a week, and I haven't washed my hair in a very long time and I um"

"It's okay, come with me and you can shower in my bathroom and you can borrow some of my clothes . Just don't tell anyone"


He took me to his floor which he shared with Steve , Steve did catch us but because of how sweet he is , he just pretended he didn't see and winked at Bucky.

I went into his room and closed the bathroom door, I got into the shower and it felt amazing . The warm water streamed down my body and using shampoo and conditioner felt like heaven.

Bucky POV:
I sat on my bed (the room was attached to the bathroom) and read a book while waiting for her. I also got out one of my hoodies and some bottoms, I knew they would be baggy but they would do. I think?

The door opened so I looked up expecting y/n to come out of the bathroom but she was still in the shower. The door must of not been locked, all I could see was the back of her and I kept my eyes on my book as much as I could , I felt terrible for even looking once so I got up and closed the door again before she realised it was open.

Y/n's POV:

After spending 20 minutes in the shower - oops- I put a towel round my body and walked out to get my clothes, well buckys.

"Your um..uh clothes are there" he said while pointing at his jumper and jogging bottoms that were laid out on the bed.

"Thankyou, this doesn't make up for you knocking me out though"

"I am sorry about that but uhh I didn't really hit that hard, I was kind of shocked when you went unconscious"

"Are you calling me weak?"
I say while walking out to go to my 'room'.

"Wait! No that's not what I meant , also you can't leave alone as no one trusts you not to run away yet"

"Oh great, come on then , walk me to my room"

"Are you going to get changed in your room? I don't mind waiting if you want to get changed in the bathroom"

"I don't think anyone will see me now anyway , I will just keep the towel though"

"Oh Yh that's good, um mean that's fine"

He walked me to my room and had to lock it once I had gone in.

"Goodnight y/n"

I slammed the door in his face , I know I shouldn't of but I'm still mad at the fact I'm basically be held hostage by the flipping avengers. Although they are all very nice to look at, I have no idea how they will act around me and what exactly they want me to do.

I heard the lock turn so I got into the clothes I had been given and went to sleep. In the room I was in all I had was a bed, a sofa, a toilet and a fridge with food and water in.

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