Chapter eleven - missing my bestfriend

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Bucky has been on the mission for three weeks now , I don't know what's taking so long but it could be the wakanda kings evil cousin or It's taking a while for Bucky to be all fixed from hydras control. Either way, I miss him so much . I went to go get ice cream the other day and got a chocolate one just so I could imagine him being there. Obviously i miss his hugs, our laughs together and I miss annoying the heck out of him but only as friends , after what happened last time we decided friends is the best thing for us.

"Friday , when will Bucky be coming back"

"I'm not allowed to tell you Miss y/l/n , he said it will be a surprise"

"Will it atleast be this week?"

"I can't say a word, sorry but it was instructed by Mr Barnes"

"Great, thanks anyway Friday"

All I could think about was how much I wanted to see his little face. I started to make a plum crumble (like apple crumble but with plums) for whenever Bucky got back , if he didn't get back till next week then I can just leave it in the fridge so it's still sort of fresh and if not , I will just make him another.

It took an hour to make , I made every slice of plum the same size and did a pretty pattern on top of the pastry even though it would be ruined when someone had a slice. I had a baby blue apron on and matching oven mitts. When the crumble was done I got it out the oven , took the mitts off and just sat on the sofa , staring at the plum crumble . I also forgot to mention I'm now sitting in buckys room, just needed a reminder of him, I brought the crumble with me but I don't have a reasoning for that.

"What is a pretty girl like you doing in my room?"


"Who the hell is Bucky"
I froze , I was about to run up and hug him but then he didn't even know his name. What did they do to him? Did they make him forget me by accident?

"Nah I'm just kidding , Come here doll"

I was never more relieved in my life , i ran straight up to him and jumped straight into his arms, wrapping legs around him. "Someone missed me a lot"
I looked into his eyes while smiling. "James Buchanan Barnes you are never leaving me for that long again!"

"I promise I won't"

We just stood there hugging for ages , he kissed my cheek several times and whispered in my ear.
"Is that plums I smell"

"Maybe I made you a plum crumble or maybe I didn't"

"You know me way too well, can I eat it now and how much can I have?"

"It's all yours Bucky bear"

"I really missed that nickname and this is delicious by the way"

We were still hugging and he had used one arm to reach and eat the plum crumble, classic Bucky. He made me chuckle when he shoved a massive chunk of it in his mouth with his hand.

"You got a little, here let me help" I licked the pie that was on his face to get it off of his face, this made him go all embarrassed. I then rubbed a bit of a plum that was on his lips off with my thumb, which lead to us staring intensely . Leaning in closer while looking at each other's lips, and just like that we were a centimetre away from kissing.

"Everyone waiting to see you downstai-" Steve walked in , we both moved as far away from eachother as we could. "Sorry did I interrupt something?"

"No no no we were just eating pie" I quickly said before Bucky agreed or made a joke.

"Oh okay well come down, everyone wants to see me and Bucky as we've been gone a while and we are having a uhh prom.. sort of party thing"

"Was this Tony trying to annoy me stevey?"

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