chapter 1

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When you are in a class with katsuki.... It's easy to be overlooked. He is an attention hog. But that doesn't really bother me. Being more of an introvert. It was our last year of our middle school and we had to pick which high school we wanted to get into. I was sitting behind Izuku, being the only person he talks to, reading one of my favorite comic books. Everyone was talking loudly, papers flying around the room, but when I get into a comic book, it feels like I am actually there. All the noise around me fades. As I read more and more I can see everything playing like a movie. Until someone tapped my shoulder. It was Izuku.

"Hey did you decide what school you wanted to enter?" He asked with a smile on his face. His freckles suited his green eyes and hair. It brought out the colors more than people actually noticed. His hair was naturally messy, honestly that whole style matches him nicely.

"Katsuki wanted me to join UA with him, only because he wants me and him to become pro hero's together." I replied. He smiled at me.

"Awesome! Me too!" I smiled slightly at how excited he was. Until katsuki slammed his hand on my desk right in front of izuku's face causing a small explosion.

"What did you say you damn nerd!" He looked at Izuku angrily. Izuku jumped back looking like his soul just packed up and left his body. Izuku started shaking his head quickly and swung his arms.

"O-oh! K-kacchan! I swear.. I-i-its not what you think.. Hah... Hahah..." You could see drops of sweat rolling down his face.

"Why don't you shut up, turn around and leave Y/n alone then! He doesn't need you stuttering over every word while he's reading his books!" Katsuki said while pulling up a a chair and sits on it backwards, looking over my shoulder, and reading the comic with me. I felt bad for izuku but Bakugo is technically older and I don't feel like getting in trouble with mom over something stupid. So I didn't really talk back to him. "Which one are you reading this time?" He asked me resting his head on my shoulder. I was his cool down corner. I was his favorite because I never annoyed him. And I was the only one who would listen to his problems and comfort him. He doesn't hide his emotions from me.

"Gambit" Was all I said.

"That one has always been your favorite. Is it because you technically have his power?" I nodded at his question. It was true. I could turn things into explosives just by touching them. Me and katsuki have been practicing our special move ever since we got the idea, so probably two years now.

"Alright students. I think you guys have had enough time to come up with some school decisions so why don't you guys go ahead and hand your forms in and you guys are free to go! Have a great weekend and see you all monday." The teacher sat at his desk collecting papers.

"Go ahead and wait for me outside Y/n" Katsuki said. Just so I could keep a good relationship with him I went ahead and walked up to the desk, handing the paper to the teacher and walking outside. I put in my ear buds and started my Walkman. It was a gift a few years ago from one of my friends before they moved to America. The tape that played was a mix of American music that they mailed me last year. They send me a new tape every year with a note and a superhero comic book so we could stay in touch. Even though we have phones now, we just wanted to stick with the mail to make it feel like the old days. When I made it outside, leaning against the wall on the side of the building waiting for my brother I didn't notice the group of kids approaching me. I was too lost in the comic and music. Before I could even react to them being there, two boys pinned my arms to the wall so I couldn't use my quirk and one of them used a vine quirk to keep my legs in place. The kid who I assume was the group leader ripped the comic out of my hands.

"HEY! Give that back!" I looked at them nervously. I didn't have the courage to stand up to them like katsuki. Sometimes I wish I did. I was just too weak.

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