chapter 5

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  Welp... Here goes nothing. We all ran into the course and I made sure to go in a area away from everyone else. I pulled a can of (f/e/d) (favorite energy drink). The way to keep up my quirk is caffeine. I don't know why... It just is. I walked around and I found a three pointer. I took a drink and picked up a brick. I turned it into an explosive. I threw it hard enough that it put a large dent in its head before exploding. Watching the robot fall to the ground in pieces made me happy. I took a long drink before finishing it, tossing the can to the side. I kept walking around and taking out robots left and right. I was running around until I bumped into someone.

  "Oh you stupid fa-" The one person I hate the most. His name is Kenji. I guess you might as well get to know him.

  "Are you serious?! Get out of my way." I said angrily. We both looked over at a three pointer and we both ran to it. I grabbed a trash can lid and turned used my quirk then Kenji threw something on it. I quickly threw the lid but before it could reach the robot, it fell over dead.

(Just imagine present mics voice over XD)

"Kenji Heikin. His quirk, Hacker. He can hack into anything he wants. And scary enough he can even hack the human brain, but only if he can throw one of those tiny chips at ya."

  The lid flew over the robot and was heading towards someone.

  "Hey watch out!" Both me and Kenji ran towards them. I started having anxiety and flashbacks from when I accidentally killed someone because of my quirk. I couldn't have it happen again. I picked up a piece of rubble off the ground. Using my quirk I tossed the piece of cement and I hit the lid causing it to blow up before it hit the person. They got knocked back from the force of the explosion but I tackled them mid air. I landed on a large piece of broken ground and also hit my head. The person I saved was the girl who I met on the bus who knew Zach. It was Jenna. She looked down at me in shock before quickly getting up. Kenji quickly ran over to us.

  "Y/n are you okay?!" He actually sounded worried and it confused me. I sat up and heard present mics voice.

  "Times up!!"

  "Uh. I can't move my lower half." I said looking up at the two. They both grabbed an arm and lifted me up wrapping my arms around them so they could carry me to the rest of the group. Man I looked like crap while everyone else had minor cuts and bruises. And some people even nothing. Everyone kept looking over at me and I could see them whispering. I was too worried about being paralyzed from the waist down than what people are talking about.
  A few seconds later a old lady walked in. People around asking who she was until Kenji pointed out.

  "That is recovery girl. UA's school nurse." She looked around then saw me.
  "Oh my! What happened to you?" She asked walking over to me.

  "I was trying to protect someone after a failed attempt at killing a robot let's just say we went flying and I landed on concrete. I am pretty pretty sure I'm paralyzed from the waist down. Then I also hit my head pretty hard. " I explained.

  "You seem very calm about this. Don't you know that this could have ruined your whole hero career? " She asked me. I just nodded. "Well let me fix you up." I tilted my head slightly before she kissed my cheek. I started getting feeling back in my legs. And my head felt a lot better. "You should wear a back brace for about a week or two until you completely heal." I nodded feeling really tired, but I knew it was probably side affects of her quirk so I didnt question it. As we were all leaving and getting back on the bus, Kenji still helped me because it still hurt and I was tired. He sat in the same seat as me which just confused me more, but I was too tired to even think about it. I leaned back against the window and fell asleep.

  Jenna looked over at Kenji and Y/n she started thinking that they were dating but after what happened before the exam. She was completely confused and didn't understand.
  Kenji ended up picking up Y/n's legs and resting them in his lap so he would be more comfortable. Jenna saw how Kenji's cheeks and a light red tint to them. She just shrugged not really worrying about it and stretched. Kenji just looked at y/n's sleeping form while he rested a hand on his thigh gently rubbing his thumb on him in a comforting way. He leaned his head back on the seat and looked up at the top of the bus before thinking to himself. 'Why do I feel this way now... I thought I hated him all this time. But now every time I look at him he's just... Cute... But I'm not gay... Am I? I mean I was raised that being gay is wrong and we should hate them because they are disgusting, but I don't agree with that. Not anymore at least. God what am I thinking. My parents would kill me if they knew what I thought about.' 
  Kenji closed his eyes and just decided to take a nap for on the way back.

  I woke up and felt a hand on my thigh. And my legs were propped up. I opened my eyes looking out the window to see that we were pulling into the school now so we could walk home. I looked over to see who decided to let me use them as a leg rest. My eyes went wide as I saw Kenji. I didn't say anything because he was sleeping. Instead I just inspected him slowly. Honestly if he wasn't a huge duchebag I would probably say he's attractive. But he's a huge duchebag... The bus stopped and before Kenji woke up I took my legs off of him. I shook him away.

  "Kenji we are here." He jumped a little at the contact before standing up and stretching. I stood up but my back hurt a little more than I remembered. It hurts too much to stretch, but I could walk fine. Definitely won't be exercising as much. We all got off the bus and Kenji wanted to exchange numbers. I decided there wasn't anything wrong with that so I did and he was on his way, but then that Jenna girl walked up to me.

  "Hey Y/n!" I looked over at her.


  "Do you think we can hang out sometime. I want to get to know more about Your and Zach's childhood."

  "I'll think about it." I said she nodded then walked off. I looked around for Katsuki or Izuku. A few minutes later I found Katsuki and we started walking home.

  "I was definitely the best out of my group. How about you?" He asked before patting my back roughly. A jolt of pain shot from my neck down through my legs.

  "Son of a bitch" Katsuki looked over at me confused.

  "It all went well until someone stole my kill. My bomb almost hit someone and from how much power was stored in that one trash can lid.... It would have killed the girl. So I set off the explosive with a different one. The force of the explosion sent her flying and I somehow managed to catch her mid air and I landed on my back. It paralyzed me from the waist down but recovery girl healed me up some... Not all the way but most of the way. She said I would need a back brace for about a week or two." I explained everything and Katsuki nodded.

  "Want to stop somewhere to get a brace?" He asked. I nodded a d we went into a drug store. He grabbed a brace and also some snacks and drinks. We walked the rest of the way home, eating snacks, drinking soda and talking.

  Once we walked inside mom saw that I had a back brace in hand. She asked about it but I told her I was too tired and I'd tell her later. She shrugged it off and I went to my room and laid down.

  "Now I just have to wait for the results. I probably lost points for getting so injured." I said out loud to myself. I put my earbuds In, started the music and slowly fell asleep.

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