chapter 10

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  I was the first one up and I quickly took a shower before we had to get ready for school. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into my room to grab clothes. Since everyone was asleep in my room I decided to change in Katsukis room. I put on my school uniform and walked to the kitchen. Mom was awake and making breakfast.

  "Morning mom. " I smiled and gave her a quick side hug so I wouldn't get in the way.

  "Morning Y/n how'd you sleep?" She asked while making separate plates with eggs, bacon, and waffles.

  "I slept fine. You?" I asked while sitting at the table.

  "Just fine." She handed me a plate of food and a glass of water.

  "Thanks mom. " She nodded and I said a quick prayer before eating. Mom and I sat silently in the kitchen while we ate our breakfast. "Well I'm going to wake the others before their food gets too much colde." Mom nodded and I walked to my room. I tapped the door "hey guys its time for breakfast." I said quietly. It's awkward to wake up people who you just met recently. They all stirred awake and all waked to the  kitchen to eat. They all grabbed a plate and started eating. Denki was the first one to speak.

  "I had a dream..." He paused while thinking out his sentence.

  "So did Martin Luther... " I replied before he continued. There were a few snorts and chuckles from everyone at the table. Denki even started to laugh. Once he calmed down his finished his little story.

  "So I had this dream where I was riding on a unicorn. And it was taking to a beach where there were lots of hot chicks. It was great." Mom laughed at his little dream.

  "Man.. I can't even remember my dream" Sero said.

  "That's rough buddy" Denki replied. Everyone chuckled as I just thought to myself. 'So this is what it's like to have real friends. This feels nice.' Katsuki elbowed my arm and whispered.

  "You okay?" I must have started to stare off.

  "Never been better" I gave him a reassuring smile. He gave me a small smile in return. Everyone finished their food and started getting ready for school. While everyone was getting ready I was helping mom clean up the kitchen and washing up the dishes.
Mom bumped me with her hip.

  "So... Which one of them are you crushing on?" She asked with a grin.

  "I mean... Sero is kinda cute. But there is this interesting boy at the school I just met. He was quiet, but cute. He had purple hair and eyes. He is in class with two of my other friends." I admitted.

  "He sounds mysterious." She said with a smile.

  "I know. He totally is." Mina came around the corner.

  "Are you guys talking a bout boys?" She asked excitedly.

  "Y/n said sero was cuuuute!" Mom whispered back excitedly. I rolled my eyes as a small blush dusted over my cheeks.

  "Guys they could be around the corner.

  " Sorryyyyy!" They both said. I chuckled and rolled my eyes again. Denki, sero, kirishima and katsuki all walked in.

  "Are you guys ready to go?" Katsuki asked and we nodded. We all started walking to the school. Katsuki, being the way he is, walk in front of us with Kiri and denki next to him. Leaving me, Mina and sero. It was a somewhat quiet walk with a small conversation here and there. After a little bit we made it to the school and we walked to Class 1-A. We sat in our assigned seats so we wouldn't get scolded by Aizawa. What we didn't expect was all might to walk in.

  "I... Am... Here! Coming through the door like a hero." All might marched to the front of the room.

  "Hey look! It's all might!" I heard kirishima say.

  "Look he is in his silver age costume!" Everyone was in awe and talking about all might. He then started talking about what we were going to be doing. I then saw briefcases come out of the wall with numbers. All might told us to grab our assigned numbers for our costume. I smiled widely. I have never been so excited to see how my costume turned out. Katsuki helped me design my costume so we had a matching color pallet. We grabbed our cases and walked to the locker rooms. I stripped down into my boxers and stretched. I opened the case and smiled.

  "Oh yeah... This is going to be fun..."


This chapter is really short so I am going to make a part two of this with the drawn out costume design. It will be some what like gambit, but not much. You guys will see soon. Be ready for the next chapter.

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