Chapter 12

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   Aizawa gave 13 instructions to get the class to safety while he was going to fight. Midoriya started telling him that he shouldn't fight because his quirk wasn't meant for close combat. Aizawa told him he'd be fine. He jumped down the flight of stairs and started to kick some ass. 13 started to lead us towards the exit until a large cloud of Mist that matched the portal appeared in front of us. A face appeared on it.

  "Hello children." He started talking and you could tell that Katsuki and Kirishima were already irritated by him. They both rushed in for an attack but it failed. It was like he had no physical body. Then 13 used her black hole and started to absorb the villain until he opened two portals in front and behind 13. 13 ended up using her quirk on herself. The back of her suit was gone and she fell forward apologizing to us. Ochako and Mina quickly ran to 13s side for aid. The cloud started to form around us but before it closed completely, Iida tackled a few people out of the way. They yelled at him to go and tell the other teachers. You could practically hear the concern coming from iida before he started to race for the doors. The mist villain followed him until Ochako hopped onto him by a strange neck guard. She used her quirk to make him float and tsu used her tongue to toss him further away. Iida successfully made it to the doors and escaped. Next thing I know we were all in a whole different area. I looked around and saw todoroki standing next to me. We looked at each other than looked back to see we were surrounded by low level thugs. I smirked and pulled out my cards. But then I was bummed when Shoto froze all of them.

  "Damn... You're boring.. I was wanting to have some fun but noooo." I sighed and Shoto ignored me completely. He started questioning the thugs. While he did that I looked in the direction aizawa was in. His one arm was limp and he was struggling. All of a sudden a large bird head, shrek looking dude, WITH HIS BRAIN EXPOSED, showed up. He started beating the life out of aizawa. I quickly started running and launching myself towards him to help. I heard one thing the gang leader said which was multiple quirks. I grabbed a large rock and kept running full speed. I charged up the rock more than I would usually charge it. I jumped at the beast, shoved the rock in its mouth before shielding aizawa with myself. The blast shot the beast away and I heard the crusty dude call it a Nomu... Such a weird name. He then ran over to tsu and was about to grab her face. Midoriya was next to her and was about to punch him, but I saw a black blur flash by. Next thing I know the Nomu took the punch and Aizawa canceled the dude quirk so she didn't get hurt. The Nomu then walked over to me. I stood in front of aizawa trying to protect him until the Nomu ran full speed gut punching me. After just one hit my body went flying and into a building. COINCIDENTALLY.... It was the building the kirishima and Katsuki were fighting bad guys in. Some how I was still conscious. The two of them ran over to me and started asking me what happened. Kirishima saw the Nomu about to jump towards the building doors busted open. It was all Might. Katsuki put me on his back and the they started running towards him. At this point the only thing keeping me conscious was adrenaline. All Might looked between Aizawa, 13 and me. He wasn't smiling his usual smile. And that's when I lost consciousness. I woke up in recovery girls office I had a large cut straight down my stomach that was stitched. I started panicking thinking everything at the USJ was still going on. Then I saw all might.. Toshinori walk in. Him and Recovery Girl came over calming me down. Recovery girl told me that I had surgery because the one punch shattered my chest and ribs. She told me I was one of the luckiest students alive. She also explained how she couldn't heal me any more for a while or my body could get permanently damaged. All might Pat the top of my head and told me everyone was safe, even aizawa and 13. After recovery girl and Toshinori left the room, Mom, Dad, Katsuki, Mina, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and present mic showed up. Mom saw all my other scars and the stitched cut on my stomach. She put her hand over her mouth and started crying. Katsuki looked angry with himself, dad was gently running his hand over the bruises on my face holding back tears. My friends were standing back waiting to come talk. Present mic sat on a chair next to me and started telling me how brave and strong I was to help aizawa and try to fight back. Honestly just him saying that made me feel better.

  "How about I pick up some food for you and your friends and we can all hang out and talk while your family gets rest?" Hizashi asked. I smiled tiredly.

  "That would be great." I replied.

  "Please keep him safe and keep a close eye on him. He has a bad habit of forcing himself to recover quickly." Mom said before giving me a very light hug and leaving the room. Katsuki then Pat my leg.

  "I'm gonna get you some comics from home and your Walkman. Is there anything else you want?" Katsuki asked. I shook my head and he nodded before also leaving. Hizashi followed him out the door to get the food. Recovery girl told my I had to stay there for about a week so she can keep a close eye on my recovery and too make sure I don't push myself too much. Sero, Kiri, Mina and denki rushed over to me and started saying how cool I was when I shoved the rock in the nomus mouth and saved aizawa. I chuckled but started coughing from the pain in my chest.

  "Hey y/n! Recovery girl told us that she had to make you new bones with titanium! Isn't that cool!" Denki said.

  "I'd kinda rather my bones back." They started laughing and I smiled. Thoughts of losing them during that fight clouded my mind and my eyes started to tear up. They looked at me confused but immediately sero and Kiri hugged me gently. My arms wrapped around them and I held them tight. The other two then joined the hug. After a few minutes the backed off of me and told me that they were going to get some card and board games from the store. I nodded and they all left.

  A few minutes passed and I stared at the ceiling bored out of my mind. I heard a knock on the door and I was gonna get up to open it but the pain in my torso said HAH no.. So I just said a simple

  "come in!" The door opened and I saw a worried Kenji and Shinsou. Then a bored Jenna walked in. "Oh.. Hey guys" I smiled at them. Shinsou stayed quiet and Jenna just leaned against the wall looking annoyed.

  "Hey! We heard what happened! You saved aizawa and almost died. Are you alright? "

  "Yeah I'm fine.. It was kind of funny. I shoved a rock in its mouth to try and blow its face off, but instead of that he went flying then he came at me and I flew in to a building and coincidentally kirishima and Katsuki were in there and that is all I remember. Then I woke up here." I explained then Kenji started asking questions. After ten minutes Jenna pulled him out of the room to go get food, leaving me and shinsou alone.


Sorry I've been gone so looong. I was pretty busy and my birthday was 3 days ago so all I wanted to do was rest.

So I'm back now.
I hope this wasn't too rushed.

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