chapter 11

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  Sero started to lean in...

  I froze and didnt know what to do so I just closed my eyes. When I was expecting a kiss I got something else. I felt his breath on my ear. He then whispered.

  "........Its free real estate" My face turned red as we both bursted out laughing. I don't know why it was so funny. It just was. Maybe because I was relieved that it wasn't a kiss.

  "I'm going to take the dishes to the kitchen." I said while wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. I picked up all the dishes and walked to the kitchen. While I set the stuff in the sink I looked at the time. The oven flashed 12:20 am. 'Dang. Time really goes by fast' I thought to myself before walking back to my room. Sero was stretching and already in a different outfit to sleep in. I decided to change while sero went to the bathroom and I laid down in the fort we made yesterday. I ended up falling asleep pretty fast.

  After what felt like minutes, katsuki was in the room waking us up. We all started getting ready for school and and eating a quick breakfast. I made sure sero had everything before we started our walk to school. It was silent. But it wasn't an awkward silence.

  After about an hour we finally made it to the school and we walked to our homeroom. We all sat in our assigned seats and Mina rushed over to me with denki right behind her.

  "Do you guys know what we are going to be doing today?" Mina asked.

  "Not a clue." I replied with denki replying right after me.

  "Nope"  Right when they heard the door open it was like they teleported to their seats. I guess they are scared of Mr. Aizawa.

  Aizawa stood in front of the class.

  "Alright guys. Today we are going to be choosing our class Rep." Everyone started shouting about how they wanted to be the class rep. Except me. I didn't care either way. Then iida decided that we should have a vote. While we were putting our votes in Mr aizawa pulled out his sleeping bag and took a nap. Where did he pull the sleeping bag out of? Who knows.

  The voting finally finished with Izuku as class rep and Momo as the vice. After all that was done and taken care of the bell rang and it was time for lunch. I walked out of the class with my friends and I was going to sit with them. Until I saw Kenji, Jenna and shinsou. I told the Baku squad that I was going to chill with the others and they all just said a simple okay. I sat down between Kenji and shinsou.

  "Hey guys!" I smiled happy to see them.

  "Hey Y/n! It feels like I haven't seen you in daaaays! " Jenna said.

  "How is it in the hero course?" Kenji asked.

  "It's not that bad. The training is stressful. Our teacher is the pro hero eraserhead. He threatened to expel someone if they came in last. And then told us it was lie."

  "What place did you come in?" Shinsou asked. I looked at him with a smile.

  "Second if I recall. " He nodded and started to eat what little food he had. I felt bad that he didn't bring much to eat so I gave him half of my F/S (favorite sandwich). He just looked at me before giving me a small nod as a thank you. I just smiled. His eyes were just so amazing. I hardly see anyone with purple eyes. It's such a calming color. He looked over at me and I quickly looked away once I realized I was staring. He shrugged and went back to eating. Once I looked over at Kenji and Jenna they were both smirking while looking between me and shinsou. That's when a alarm went off. Everyone started getting up and racing out the building. Kenji and Jenna held hands to stay together while being pushed through the crowd while I was almost literally being trampled by everyone rushing. I got kicked and stepped on quite a few time until I felt someone grab me by the arm and pulled me on my feet. Who ever it was, they were holding me close to them while keeping pace with the rest of the crowd. I looked up to see shinsou. How nice of him. Im surprised he actually found me past all those people. Everyone stopped when they saw iida above the exit door. He told everyone that they should remain calm and that it was just a group of reports who slipped past the security system. Everyone finally calmed down. Shinsou looked down at me.

  "You okay? You took some pretty heavy kicks." He asked a little concerned.

  "I'm fine thanks to you." I smiled at him.

  "Are you sure. You have a bruise on your forehead and a busted lip. " He inspected my face while using his thumb to wipe the blood off my lip. I looked away slightly embarrassed.

  "Thanks.. But I'll be fine." I gave him a reassuring smile and he let me go.

  "Well it was nice hanging out with you while we could. But we should head back to class." I nodded and we both started heading to our class I sat in my seat rubbing my forehead where the bruise was. Katsuki walked into the room and looked at me. He quickly walked over and grabbed me by the face inspecting my face.

  "Who the hell did this to you?" He growled quietly.

  "I just tripped while everyone was in a rush. Got trampled until someone helped me." I shrugged.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine. Just a few bruises here and there. Nothing serious." I just smiled. He nodded and walked back to his seat. After everyone was back Izuku decided that iida should be Class rep. Everyone else agreed since he was the one to settle everyone down  during the alarm. Aizawa came back into the class and told us we were going to be meeting up with all might and 13 for rescue training. We grabbed our hero suits and walked to the locker room. I put on my suit and realized something. I really had nothing for close combat and keeping people safe who are around during a fight. I thought about it for a bit before getting a good idea. After we all got ready we all walked to a large dome building on campus. That is where we met thirteen and she explained everything about the usj. Thirteen was about to explain even more until a large black and purple portal opened and a large group of villains walked through.

  "Did it start? I thought this was a rescue training?" Denki said and he started to walk forward until aizawa yelled at everyone to stay back.

That's when we knew that all of this was real.


Hope you enjoyed that little beginning of the chapter 😂

You guys enjoy the rest of your day, stay safe and have fun!

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